Stop for a Chuckle: Online Jokesters Say Illegals Saved Trump

When a would-be assassin nearly killed President Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania Saturday, July 13, his survival looked like a miracle – because it was. You’ve probably already seen this incredible photograph that caught the bullet that nearly killed the 45th president, in mid-air, just a microsecond before it clipped his ear. 

The U.S. Sun has an illustration that shows just how close Donald Trump came to death. At just the exact right moment, Trump turned his head away from the crowd in front, allowing the bullet to graze his ear. If he hadn’t, it would have gone straight through his brain. 

Serious questions are being asked (shouted, really) across the political spectrum. How did the shooter manage to get onto an empty rooftop with a clear line of sight? How did the Secret Service not notice him? Why did so many police apparently ignore spectators who were pleading with them to notice the man on the roof and take action before it was too late? 

But what caused Trump to turn his head? It was this chart:

Every honest American knows we have been invaded by at least 10 million illegal aliens under President Joe Biden’s watch. It’s undeniable that the Biden administration wants this to happen, as they’ve done next to nothing to stop the influx, and taken action to worsen it, all while bleating that it’s Republicans’ fault (even though the Democrats control the federal government). 

Really, what else can they do? The chart says it all. When Trump cracked down on the problem during his administration starting in late 2019, the number of border jumpers dropped precipitously. And then Biden took office, and the bars on the chart reached up like Manhattan skyscrapers. 

The Twitter/X user who posted the chart injected a bit of much-needed humor into what has been an awful weekend for Americans. 

Others took a similar approach with absurd silliness like this:

And the laughs just keep on coming. 

Especially in times of woe, laughter is often the best (or only) medicine. But there’s always that one party pooper. 

4 thoughts on “Stop for a Chuckle: Online Jokesters Say Illegals Saved Trump”

  1. The opening paragraph states “in mid-air, just a microsecond before it clipped his ear. “. However, this would be AFTER, since the bullet came from the left side of this image.

    1. I noticed that too. I think it’s another demonstration that the public often knows more about a subject than the press does.

  2. Shan, you obviously don’t know how to read a chart, what the colors mean is on it. Why not go back to the third world you came from and leave us Americans alone.

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