Climate Protesters Silenced After Interrupting Ted Cruz Speech

Climate protesters attempted to disrupt a speech by Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, but the outcome – predictably – went against their expectations.

The Republican Senator was speaking at The Fund for American Studies when climate activists interrupted.

Undeterred, Sen. Cruz placed the protester on the spot and asked: “Which country is the biggest climate polluter on Planet Earth?”

Following a muted response, Cruz added: “You have no idea!”

He continued to say that the United States was leading the world in reducing carbon emissions, much to the delight of spectators in attendance.

Many on social media were critical of the climate protesters and their lack of knowledge over the world’s largest polluter.

Others, however, called for Cruz and the nation to ramp up their efforts in protecting the environment.

China is indeed the world’s largest polluter. Of the 50 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions produced in 2022, China was responsible for 14.4 billion of them (28.8%). The United States, while in second place, was responsible for 6.39 billion (12.8%).

Climate protesters have always had an unusual approach. They expect individuals to make everyday efforts despite the limited impact a single person can have. They are also reluctant to lobby the Chinese Communist Party to reduce their global emissions, instead focusing on politicians who sit as a minority group in the Senate.

What’s your view? Should we all do more to protect the world, or will little change while China remains the largest polluter? Let us know in the comments.

4 thoughts on “Climate Protesters Silenced After Interrupting Ted Cruz Speech”

  1. First of all carbon dioxide is not pollution and no one knows the optimum concentration of the gas for sustaining natural diversity. Calculations for annual production of carbon dioxide are approximately 760 gigatons for nature and 38 gigatons for humans. Humans contribute about 5% of the total. So, if carbon dioxide is a pollutant, nature, by far, is the largest contributor. The geologic record shows that carbon dioxide has never been a driver of temperature.

    1. ‘They are also reluctant to lobby the Chinese Communist Party”
      Because they will simply disappear and never be heard from again.. NOT a bad result though !!

  2. To see what nobel laureate scientists say about carbon affecting the climate, see clintel dot org and co2coalition dot org.

  3. I have been following the “Global Warming” dispute for several years now, and have reached the boiling point myself over the obvious agenda which many people and organizations show. I am not a renowned scientist or published author, just a simple engineer who likes to let the data and the facts lead me to a conclusion. If there are not enough data to reach a conclusion, so be it. Let it remain unresolved.

    Here are a few facts unreported by the main stream media:

    1. Slightly over 95% of all greenhouse gases are caused by nature. The largest single source of “greenhouse gas” is water vapor. All the data show that CO2 levels FOLLOW increases in the temperature, NOT the other way around as AGW alarmists would lead readers to believe.

    2. Changing levels in the sun’s output are responsible for most of the long-term temperature changes. Could this be the cause of the “ice caps” on Mars melting? Maybe – nooo, just a coincidence.

    3. Even if there is some warming, we might even get back to the temperature levels that existed in 950-1000 when Denmark, with the likes of Leif Erricson, colonized Iceland and Greenland. They had pastures, gardens, etc on Greenland, where there is nothing but ice or barren ground today.

    4. The alarmists are issuing dire predictions of doom because the levels of CO2 are up. Really? I say, “Bring it on!” Many studies of elevated CO2 prove that plants grow faster, are more resistant to disease, better able to tolerate drought, and develop more biomass in about a 60% to 40% in the root to above-ground material. Also, in another side benefit, many weeds do not do as well.

    5. Oh, by the way. Many of these older activists have the same names as activists 30 years ago, who were proclaiming we were entering another ice age. I wonder if they are related some way?

    Some excellent web sites are, and where this sort of politically incorrect but accurate stuff can be found.

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