In The Event Of A Nuclear Attack, Who Does The Pentagon Call If Joe Biden Is Asleep?

It’s fair to say the world is a tumultuous place at the moment.

Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine remains ongoing, with airstrikes targeting children’s hospitals in the capital Kyiv. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s demand that Russia withdraws all forces from internationally recognized Ukrainian territory are unlikely to be met while the Kremlin’s demand Ukraine hands over areas Russian troops do not currently control means peace negotiations are unlikely to take place anytime soon.

It’s not exactly a peaceful atmosphere in the Pacific, either. China’s military drills around Taiwan have caused international concern, while North Korea continues its nuclear weapons program despite United Nation sanctions.

In short, there could be a situation where the Commander-in-Chief is called upon in the middle of the night. So, if the Pentagon detects an incoming nuclear missile and President Joe Biden has clocked off for the evening, who is called upon to make a crucial decision.

Well, that question was answered by White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Tuesday, July 9, when a reporter asked what would happen if a nuke was heading towards the United States outside the President’s sharpest hours.

“[Biden] has a team that lets him know of any news that is impertinent and important to the American people,” she told reporters.

That’s thoroughly reassuring…

The one user who tried to defend the Press Secretary’s remarks was met with immense backlash.

At best, President Biden is leader of the free world for another six months. That, to many, is a scary, scary thought.

2 thoughts on “In The Event Of A Nuclear Attack, Who Does The Pentagon Call If Joe Biden Is Asleep?”

  1. Call Ghost Busters…

    And someone buy KJP a dictionary, “[Biden] has a team that lets him know of any news that is impertinent…” Impertinent?

  2. Joey's addled mind

    What’s amazing is that all these political sages thought anything was any different with Buyden four years ago. Why did he run his election campaign from the basement, and when he did venture out for a campaign appearance, there were only a couple dozen people present? They knew he was non-compos-mentis back when they were campaigning for him in 2020! They all told us he was a husk for their policy preferences in March 2020 in an Atlantic article

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