VP Harris Breaks Irony Meters Across America After SCOTUS Decision

It would be cute if it weren’t maddening. Vice President Kamala Harris is worried that a Trump administration would weaponize the government and persecute their political opponents. You’ve got to watch and listen to believe it:

If Trump were to do that, he’d be taking a page out of the Biden/Harris playbook to do so (among that of many other swamp creatures).

Harris was reacting to the recent Supreme Court decision that established that presidents have absolute immunity from legal prosecution for official acts. Chief Justice John Roberts clarified that no president is “above the law,” and that immunity does not apply to non-official acts.

Reversing the truth seems to be the only tool in the left’s belt, and Madam Vice President did it like a pro. In the video, she tells the reporter, “When we have a candidate in Donald Trump who’s openly said he’ll be a dictator on day one, that he will weaponize the Department of Justice against his political enemies, it’s very likely that he could be immune from those kinds of acts.”

The grammatical confusion in the quote above is as spoken by Harris. She goes on to stump for another Biden-Harris presidency, saying the stakes are too high for Americans under Trump.

The rest of the left immediately began shrieking too, of course, and they seemed to reverse the meaning of the court’s ruling. California Rep. Zoe Lofgren gives a good example in theorizing that Biden could dispatch the military to take out conservative Justices in the court.

Of course, the SCOTUS ruling would allow no such thing, and Harris and her ilk know this. But since when has that ever stopped the queen of confusion from tossing us another word salad. After all, this is the woman who can’t stop saying, “I can imagine what can be, unburdened by what has been.” Here’s a greatest hits round up.

Let’s see what Twitter/X users had to say about Harris’ fears of a Trump dictatorship.

This user got it right.

We agree with Heatherheather007.

The mockery just kept coming.

4 thoughts on “VP Harris Breaks Irony Meters Across America After SCOTUS Decision”

  1. Space Admiral

    Whatever Democrats accuse you of doing, they are doing themselves. Long history of doing this.

  2. “I can imagine what will be as soon as we divest ourselves from those ‘has beens’…”

    A play on her word salad.

    Her and Joe can go piss up a rope.

  3. And it’s America’s elections that have brought this country to the precipice it’s teetering on today. Low-information voters who have pulled the D lever all their lives continued to do so, and here we are, at a point in our country’s history where we can see its demise in the not-too-distant future.

    It should be abundantly clear for everyone now, even the low-information types who can take credit for the mess the country’s in, that democrats don’t have the country’s best interests at heart – far from it. For them, the only thing that’s important is perpetual control over every aspect of our lives. They want to control what stoves we use to cook our food, the cars we drive, and how far we drive them, the indoctrination our children get in public schools, which bathrooms we use…..every little aspect of our daily lives. And the rich, powerful democrats running the show will live lush lives of privelege, while all the “little people” they control suffer.

    THAT is what you vote for when you pull the D lever. ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES.

  4. Brigitte Greco

    So you admit that it’s wrong what all you people are doing. Sorry Kamala, but he’s too smart and has more class to be doing something like that. What he will do is follow the laws of the land and you’re afraid of that.

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