Oakland Mayor Blames “Radical Right-Wing Forces” For FBI Raid As Recall Petition Called

Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao has slammed “radical right-wing forces” in her first public remarks since an FBI raid on her home on Thursday, June 20.

Federal investigators were seen carrying 80 boxes out of her home as part of an investigation relating to “court-authorized law enforcement activity”. The search included the mayor’s residence and properties linked to California Waste Solutions – a company with ties to Thao through campaign contributions.

The raid came just days after campaigners amassed more than 40,000 signatures on a recall petition prompting a vote on election day in November.

At a press conference on Monday, June 23, Mayor Thao, who denies all wrongdoing, said: “I can tell you with confidence that this investigation is not about me. I have not been charged with a crime, and I am confident that I will not be charged with a crime because I am innocent.”

After claiming she was targeted due to her low-income upbringing, Mayor Thao said there were a “a lot of radical right-wing forces who know they’ll never win an election fair and square,” despite the city being overwhelmingly Democrat. No information was provided on who specifically from the “vast right wing conspiracy” was supposedly behind her downfall.

Mayor Thao – who is the first Hmong American mayor of a major U.S. city – has come under heavy criticism during her tenure since January 9, 2023.

Following her surprise press conference on Monday, Thao’s attorney withdrew her as counsel reportedly due to surprise at the media scrum.

6 thoughts on “Oakland Mayor Blames “Radical Right-Wing Forces” For FBI Raid As Recall Petition Called”

  1. “Right Wing Forces?” In Oakland? In California? A state as blue as a blue state can be?
    They searched her home because the Feds believe she is a crook. And they could not, in good conscience, (like the Feds have one), ignore it.
    I was raised in a lower middle class household. There was no extra money. The Feds never searched my folks or me…

    1. Note that the other Oakland FBI netted another chinese dark money guy with connections to Obama, Biden Grusom and the top CA office holders. They are funneling money in from the CCP.

  2. Anyone living in Oakland has a democrat in his rep chain from school board all the way to governor, US Rep and US Senator. Where is she seeing anything resembling a right-wing anything?

  3. Libertarian Advocate

    Ranked Choice voting is a sham voting system structured to insert otherwise unelectable politicians into offices they neither deserve nor are fit to serve in.

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