Montana Glaciers Still Thriving Despite Warnings Of Them Melting By 2020

It’s 2024, meaning it’s four years since the glaciers in Montana were supposed to have melted.

A historic photo from Glacier National Park on the Canada-United States border highlights a claim that the glaciers “will be all gone by the year 2020”.

“The small alpine glaciers present today started forming about 7,000 years ago and reached their maximum in size and number around 1850, at the end of the Little Ice Age,” the sign claimed. “They are now rapidly shrinking due to human-caused climate change. Computer models indicate the glaciers will be all gone by the year 2020”. Spoiler alert: they’re still there.

The post by the X account @EndWokeness prompted debate among social media users, with some calling climate change “a hoax”.

Others noted the apparent moving of goal posts, with repeated warnings of climate change effects (thankfully) never coming to fruition.

The arguments raise interesting points. While there’s evidence that the average temperature of earth has risen with advancements in industrialization, it’s impossible to pinpoint how much human activity has contributed to it. When scientists repeatedly portray a doomsday-style argument, it can be hard for the public to believe them after so many incorrect predictions.

Likewise, it’s also difficult for the average person to truly make a comprehensible difference in reducing their carbon footprint. Nations such as China continue to produce without due regard for worldwide efforts to protect the planet, while world leaders and celebrities continue to use private jets for commutes which could be completed by public transport.

11 thoughts on “Montana Glaciers Still Thriving Despite Warnings Of Them Melting By 2020”

  1. Anthony Passaniti

    The fact, the sign says “the end of the mini ice age “ indicates natural warming occurred

  2. Chicken Little must have passed away or retired! The darn things have been melting for 10000 years. Go figure. Must be global cooling that stopped the melting.

  3. Environmentalists subscribe to continually changing prophecies of apocalyptic disaster: Our topsoil is being washed into the ocean (The Road to Survival — 1948), extermination of birds with DDT (The Silent Spring — 1962), overpopulation will result in starvation (The Population Bomb — 1968), we will run out of resources and strangle on pollution (The Limits to Growth — 1972). A new man-made ice age will have a permanent glacier be down to the Dakotas by the year 2000 (Science — 1975). Acid rain from burning coal will destroy our forests and crops (Associated Press 1980). Hairspray will destroy the ozone layer and cause cancer (early 1980s). Rising sea levels will drown NY City and Miami (1989- present), Burning fossil fuels adds CO2 to the atmosphere that will cause disastrous man-made global warming (1988-2015). These prophecies and many others were claimed to be scientifically justified but ended up just another scam for the con artist trying to make a quick buck so we can add climate change to the list.

  4. We could stop it cold if the Government would stop burning money like drunken sailors ( no disrespect intended for drunken sailors).

    1. Whoa there Stevie. there’s really no comparison. Drunken sailors stop spending when they run out of money.

  5. I might be more worried about global warming except the “solution” to all the previous crises was always the same: YOU sacrifice your standard of living, YOU give up a few more freedoms, and of course, jack up taxes and give the gvt more control.
    On the other hand, THEY have no intention of giving up their AC, vehicles, large houses, airplane trips, heated pools, etc.

  6. I’m fascinated that the government wants us to INCREASE our need for electricity (EV’s) while regulating existing power production to extinction knowing that reliance on renewables is impossible. Vast nuclear expansion is the only hope but they only cite “innovation” as the answer. Madness.

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