White House Updates Official Website with Brutal Message Sending Liberals into Meltdown

The Spanish-language version of the White House website was taken offline this week, with users being met with a “Page Not Found” error and a button labeled “Go Home.”

The site had been operational until President Donald Trump was sworn in on January 20.

The Spanish-language White House website underscores its longstanding role in reaching Spanish-speaking Americans.

Trump’s administration previously removed the Spanish version during his first term, however; its recent takedown sparked meltdowns among leftists because of the redirect message when one tried to visit the site.

A redirect button reading “Go Home” was present, which some interpreted and some interpreted as a message for Spanish speakers to return to their countries of origin. The message has since been changed to “Go to Home Page” for clarification. Obviously the original “Go Home” message was referring to the home page the whole time, but it’s still a hilarious coincidence, and you know liberals still won’t be convinced it was just that.

TikTok user’s video brought up the issue, saying “For those of us who are immigrants, nothing captures better what went down today than the takedown of the White House website in Spanish that says ‘Go Home.’”

One commenter on X called the wording “devilish,” while another stated, “My jaw actually dropped.”

Other users user speculated that the original message might have been deliberate in order to provoke the left.

White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Harrison Fields addressed the issue, stating that the administration is committed to restoring the Spanish-language section of the website.

“It’s day two. We are in the process of developing, editing, and tweaking the White House website. As part of this ongoing work, some of the archived content on the website went dormant. We are committed to reloading that content in a short timeline,” Fields told the Associated Press.

“By taking down the Spanish website and moving everything to one website, the Trump team is creating a space that will be unified, not divided—bringing Americans together in one place and reinforcing the idea of a unified country—regardless of race, language, country of origin, and culture,” he added.

Read More at the Daily Fetched

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