Video Shows Moment Sylacauga City Council Meeting Ends In Chaos As Furious Residents Demand Answers To Influx Of Haitian Migrants

A city council meeting ended in chaos after members of the public demanded answers to a recent influx of Haitian migrants.

Residents of Sylacauga, AL, have reportedly witnessed more than 50 migrants being bussed into the city in recent weeks. However, efforts to get to the bottom of the issue have been difficult with the governor’s office claiming it has not received any information from the federal government.

On Thursday, September 5, concerned residents asked questions of the five councilmembers on Sylacauga City Council. Initial concerns were brushed aside by council president Tiffany Nix who said, “I’m going to welcome anybody to Sylacauga that wants to come to Sylacauga.”

A second resident, David Phillips, then approached the podium and called the attitude of the council “entirely unacceptable”.

“Do we know where the individuals we’re discussing are coming from?” he asked. “Where’s their point of origin? Because you’re treating them like lawful U.S. citizens, which they are not.”

“OK, so I’m going to cut it off,” Nix responded. “Because we’ve had three people come up. I’m going to cut it off because we have no reason to launch an investigation or to treat people differently because of how they look. There is no reason for it.”

As the meeting was adjourned, furious residents lambasted the council, many of whom yelled, “This is our city!” after they were denied the right to speak.

Many on social media were critical of the council’s response to public concerns.

There was also an influx of memes in response to the meeting.

8 thoughts on “Video Shows Moment Sylacauga City Council Meeting Ends In Chaos As Furious Residents Demand Answers To Influx Of Haitian Migrants”

    1. You are a progressive activist in conservative’s clothing, and your deceptive little scheme to make us all look racist isn’t working. Spread the word throughout your little room full of Soros-bots.

  1. If an immigrant comes to America to become an American citizen it means to assimilate into the American society which includes obeying our laws, speaking our language and understanding we are a Constitutional Republic.
    If an immigrant breaks into America and expects free stuff like healthcare, social security, food stamps and housing, just who the hell do they think they are? Privilege has no place in The U.S.

    1. Democrats have eliminated all of what helped true asylum seekers need to become citizens. Assimilation is a thing of the past. They want illegals to vote without even knowing a word of English & not having any knowledge of our History and political system. This is absurd to most people. All illegals in our country must be found and deported and the borders closed to illegal entries! Democrats are close to making it impossible to have more votes than them in any election.

  2. Come on Jack. Soon white people will be the minority. That where the real power is. Just like Bidonomics once you realize how it works you’ll be amazed. It’s the truth man.

    Just remember it’s all about Joy. Like the woman on the thing. You know the show. Anyway, you know… the thing., The thing that Makes America great again.

  3. The entire Democrat movement, involving woke, progressive ideology, is a threat to all that makes America a Great country with a great society of hard working people who in general get along with each other.
    That was how we were until the propagandist of the Left stepped in and convinced some people otherwise. They taught people to be Hateful & Violent towards others! Chaos is needed for a Dictatorship to step in & claim they have the answer to all the problems they created.

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