Unhinged Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX-30) went full racist mode on CNN, attacking “mediocre white boys” who she said were the only ones complaining about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).
The Democratic congresswoman was responding to the news that Darren Beattie had been appointed to the State Department as acting Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs.
Trump had fired Beattie from his position as a speechwriter and policy aide during his first term after CNN reported that he had attended an event that was also attended by white nationalists.
Beattie also allegedly posted a “controversial” statement years ago on social media that drew widespread criticism from the Left. “Competent white men must be in charge if you want things to work. Unfortunately, our entire national ideology is predicated on coddling the feelings of women and minorities, and demoralizing competent white men,” it read.
According to Rep. Crockett, only “mediocre white boys” were crying about minorities receiving preferential treatment, adding that adequately qualified caucasian men did not mind.
“I am tired of the white tears. Listen, if you are competent, you are not concerned.”
“So, the only people that are crying are the mediocre white boys that have been beaten out by people that historically have had to work so much harder.”
We recently reported that nearly 1000 air traffic control job applicants were suing the FAA for allegedly being turned down despite acing the test because they were “too white.” It seems that even competent white men do not appreciate being discriminated against based on race.
She also accused racists of trying to deny minorities education by defunding Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) while also preventing them from attending “PWIs” (Predominantly White Institutions).
“This is why they don’t want us to have education. This is why they are trying to literally say we won’t fund the HBCUs, because they know that if they’ve already gone after affirmative action and they’re saying, you know what, don’t allow them to come in to say these PWIs, as we call them, don’t allow them to come into these institutions.”
The second-timer also claimed superiority over GOP Reps. Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene, who have served longer than she and held important roles in the House.
“When you look and you compare me to Marjorie Taylor Greene or me to Lauren Boebert, there is no comparison. And that is the life that we have always lived.”
Unlike the hardly unknown congresswoman, Reps. Boebert and Greene have also established themselves as fierce defenders of the First and Second Amendment rights for all Americans, regardless of color.
Crockett also accused Trump of being a white supremacist, surrounded by other white supremacists, which he denies, and urged him to revoke Beattie’s appointment.
She also claimed that White Nationalists accounted for most violent crimes in the country, including attempting to physically tear up our democracy on January 6 to prevent the peaceful transfer of power.
“You don’t have to trust me. But the people that commit 80% of the most violent crimes in this country are white supremacists. Yet, for whatever reason, they sit, and they serve at the pleasure of the president.
“They are the ones that were there on January 6th tearing our democracy down physically. And now, we have them tearing us down right here from within.”
While Rep. Crockett was very confident of her statistics, the 2019 Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Universal Crime Report (UCR), which includes statistics by race, paints a different picture. “Of adults arrested for murder, 51.3 percent were Black or African American, 45.7 percent were White or Hispanic, and 3.0 percent were of other races,” reads the FBI UCR report.