Tim Walz Paid “Satanic” Drag Performer for Lurid Show

Few people would have believe you if, 20 years ago, you told them that one of the wholesome heartland states in America would become a cesspool of street violence, riots, and would be represented in Congress by a Somalian immigrant whose allegiance to her home country strikes many as outweighing her commitment to America. 

Sound extreme? Then why did Governor Tim Walz recently sign off on an “update” to the Minnesota flag that looks reminiscent of the Somalian flag? Here’s the old Minnesota flag:

Here’s the new Minnesota flag as of 2023:

And here’s the flag of Somalia:

Leftist media are insisting that anyone who believes the new state flag is a nod to Somalia has fallen for a “right wing conspiracy theory.” Maybe. But is it that hard to believe, given far-left progressive MN Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s track record?

It’s not just flags. All sorts of interesting things are coming out regarding Tim Walz, the progressive MN governor picked by Kamala Harris as her vice-presidential running mate. He’s being accused of stolen valor for allegedly lying about his military service, and for, supposedly, abandoning his military comrades to avoid being deployed to Iraq. 

You knew LGBTQ was going to come into this, didn’t you? Of course, Walz signed a bill last year that makes Minnesota a “sanctuary state” for so-called “trans kids” (there is no such thing as a transgender child because there is no such thing as a transgender person). What this means is that a parent who wants to mutilate her child can take him to Minnesota, and the state will not obey an extradition or arrest orders from the originating state—even if the family is in a custody battle and the father does not want his child surgically abused. 

So this won’t be any surprise, either. LibsofTikTok highlighted a story about how Walz used taxpayer money to hire a “Satanic” drag queen to perform at a show open to children. 

Draq queen “Martina Marracino,” who calls himself “Adam Divine” when filming pornographic films, specializes in making gay incest-themed adult movies. But that’s all just fine, because his drag performance in Minnesota was “made possible by the voters of Minnesota.” Huh? 

A poster advertising the show put it this way: “This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the East Central Regional Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.”

It seems unlikely the majority of Minnesotans want their tax dollars going to a man who dresses as a woman and pretends to have sex with family members on camera, but what would we know?

Let’s see what social media users had to say: 

You’ve caught on to how the Democratic party is trying to portray ordinary conservatives as “weird,” recently. Perhaps it’s time to turn that around. 

This user had the same idea:

What say you, Wokespy readers? Who is weirder? Say, mean old JD Vance, or Minnesota’s “Tampon Timmy?”

9 thoughts on “Tim Walz Paid “Satanic” Drag Performer for Lurid Show”

  1. Anyone one that even tries to say the flag thing was just coincidence is either lying or they’re lying.

  2. The DONKEYS are Weird
    Rotten to their VERY

  3. Tampon Tim not only put tampons in boys public school bathrooms, he also authorized that kitty litter boxes would be placed in girls public school bathrooms.

  4. The state of Minnesota posted a 19 BILLION dollar surplus last year. State tax filers recieved a refund check for a whopping $250. That’s how Tampon Timmy gets the cash for this sort of sicko leftist trash. A true totalitarian in a plaid shirt

    1. Yes that is what the lying liberals have been saying about Republicans the last few weeks because they decided to lay off the Hitler, white supremacists, threat to democracy lies about Trump, Vance and anybody that supports them. The memo was sent out to call us weird!

  5. Proudly Unaffiliated

    These people are sick and depraved. Tampon Tim is included. He can choose to ‘waltz’ off the stage now or be humiliated for the duration of his time left in office. Either way, #GITMOawaits.

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