Tim Walz Believes 10-Year-Olds Can Choose Their Own Gender

Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz is arguably the most left-wing Democratic Party presidential ticket in modern history.

Both have been thrust into the political spotlight following President Joe Biden’s decision not to stand for re-election; Harris’ as the heir-apparent successor, with Gov. Walz has her running mate.

With the former under heavy scrutiny for avoiding the media, attention has turned to previous comments made by the pair as voters seek more information on the views of two people who wish to secure the presidency.

On social media, a clip from 2017 emerged of Gov. Walz addressing a town hall as Rep. for Minnesota’s 1st Congressional district, in which he said children as young as 10 could choose their own gender.

“These are children my son’s age, a fourth grader, a 10-year-old who, just wants to go to the bathroom… and their identity is male or female and they just go in that bathroom and use it,” Walz told the audience.

The Democratic VP pick has long held positions in support of transgenderism, including signing executive orders to make Minnesota a “trans refuge state” during his tenure as governor.

Many on social media were critical of Walz’s remarks in the clip.

Others presented actions concerned parents could take.

4 thoughts on “Tim Walz Believes 10-Year-Olds Can Choose Their Own Gender”

  1. Walz says 150,000 children in Minnesota identify as Trans….of a population of 821,000 K-12 school age kids. That means almost 2% of Minessota kids identify as Trans! The national average is 1.5% (which is still incredibly high since it’s grown from statistically near 0% to this rate in about 5-6 years). That means that means Minnesota has a 13x higher trans identity rate than the rest of the country. Maybe you should look at the root causes of this social contagion.

    1. Stop The Runaway Train

      I will blindly accept your numbers of 150,000 out of 821,000, but I can’t accept your math… that is 18.3%, not “almost 2%”. You then say that MN’s rate is 13x the national average, which aligns better with your gross numbers of 150k and 821k… perhaps you meant to say “almost 20% of MN kids identify as trans [not a proper noun, shouldn’t be capitalized]!”, in which case, you’re good. If not, you lost me. And if it IS 20%, then that would be teachers, society (social media) and peer pressure bullying kids into making assertions about themselves of which they really have no sincerely-held belief. If you can, home-school!

  2. They’re not “trans” anything. They’re wounded, damaged, narcissistic, cross-dressing, mentally ill and confused souls. Straddling that line won’t end well for them. Where do we draw the mentally ill line between thinking you’re a girl, thinking you’re a cat, thinking you’re a little and thinking you’re a lamppost. “Trans” is a liberal cudgel. Akin to “camping”. We gotta knock this off.

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