The effective confirmation of Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee means we all must endure at least three months of left-wing extremists telling us how to live our lives, and how to cast our vote – all while being cringe-inducing while doing so.
One group to watch are the “white women for Kamala Harris” who, as the name suggests, are white liberal women in favor of the Democrat who also happen to suffer from white guilt.
At the end of July, the group held a Zoom call where they all instructed others on how to prepare for the upcoming political battle for the White House.

After warning about toxicity, teacher turned self-proclaimed influencer, Arielle Fodor, proved old habits die hard and offered a lecture on how white women can assist “marginalized communities,” whatever those are.
“The toxic [sic] feels smaller when we support each other,” she told others on the Zoom call. “But don’t make it about yourself; as white women we need to use our privilege to make positive changes.”
“If you find yourself talking over or speaking for BIPOC [Black, Indigenous, and people of color] individuals or, God forbid, correcting them, just take a beat,” she added. “Instead, we can put our listening ears on.”
So, there we have it; political correctness has come full circle – where it’s now considered politically incorrect to correct someone if they’re incorrect.

Fortunately, many women on social media distanced themselves from the group.

Others found the instructional language demeaning.