Taylor Swift’s Endorsement Of Harris Prompts More People To Vote For Trump

Following the presidential debate last week, pop singer Taylor Swift endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris in the upcoming election.

The climate conscious singer’s endorsement was perhaps no surprise given that her political positions have often favored Democrats. In the 2018 mid-term elections, Swift endorsed Tennessee Democrats Phil Bredesen and Jim Cooper. In 2020, she publicly endorsed the Biden-Harris ticket.

While predictable, the singer – whose songs often contain references to her own bad decision-making – was expected to carry some weight in convincing moderate “Swifties” to vote Democrat.

However, that’s not happening.

While Donald Trump may “hate” Taylor Swift, Harris must feel the same to some extent too following the release of a YouGov poll on Saturday. Only 8% of respondents to the poll said Swift’s endorsement is “somewhat” or “much more likely” to convince them to vote Democrat. Interestingly, 20% of respondents said they were now “somewhat” or “much less likely” to support Harris after receiving the singer’s backing. The majority of those polled said it had made no difference on their voting intentions (66%).

Many respondents were split as to whether Swift’s endorsement will have a positive effect on Harris’ campaign (32%) or no difference at all (27%). Fans made up 34% of those surveyed, with her biggest supporters being female, registered Democrats who were going to vote Harris regardless.

The poll’s results were humorous to many on social media.

Others speculated that Swift’s reputation as a wealthy celebrity failed to resonate with millions of Americans.

4 thoughts on “Taylor Swift’s Endorsement Of Harris Prompts More People To Vote For Trump”

  1. The only polls that matter are likely voters in swing states. This race is tight because of Vance. He should have picked Tulsi for the win then shuffled things around after he’s in.

  2. If someone votes for someone just because some person endorses them they are not doing the due diligence IMO that they should be doing.

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