

Salon Owner In Deep-Red State Complains About Losing Customers After Viral Anti-Trump Rant

An Idaho beauty salon is facing a sharp decline in customers after its owner made viral comments on TikTok criticizing supporters of President-elect Donald Trump as “racist, homophobic, and misogynistic” and telling them she didn’t want their business.

The message was received.

Tiffney Prickett, the owner of Voiage Salon in Coeur d’Alene, said the Republican had given “small men the ability and the courage to be misogynistic and hateful.” She pondered why more men “don’t have the courage” to stand up against “these small men who think they can do whatever they want and say whatever they want to women these small men who think they can do whatever they want and say whatever they want to women.”

Sadly for Prickett, her salon is situated in a deeply conservative part of Idaho – something she addressed in a follow-up video.

“So this is me suffering the consequences of my own action. I just had a client send her husband into my salon and demand a refund for gift cards – pre-purchased – because of my stance that if you support a racist, homophobic, misogynist rapist, and you’re OK with those things because you supported them that you are in fact those things,” she said. “I didn’t want to deal with them anyway because I knew that that whole family were Trump supporters because I’ve been doing her for 15 years, I’ve been to her family functions and family events. She’s given me gifts over the years. She was a very good client.”

She doubled down on her stance, adding that her clients were “dropping like flies”, but would “rather go work at Chipotle” than permit Trump supporters in her salon – which seems increasingly likely.

Her website has since been deactivated.

The tirade attracted heavy criticism on social media, particularly given that Prickett benefitted from a $4,984 PPP loan from the federal government during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Another user shared details after driving by her business earlier in the day.

Left-wing extremism

(Some of) The Best Post-Election Liberal Meltdowns, All In One Place

Donald Trump’s win in the 2024 presidential election prompted a whole host of totally-sane liberals to upload videos to TikTok.

Liberals were distraught at the night’s results, which saw Trump trounce Vice President Kamala Harris across the country in the greatest political comeback in American history.

The Libs of TikTok account on X (@libsoftiktok) summarized the best liberal meltdowns, beginning with one guy who is apparently a personal trainer. CJ Baker uploaded a video reacting to Trump’s win by announcing his lifelong boycott of Tesla – the car manufacturer owned by the pro-Trump Elon Musk.

Another liberal said she was “genuinely confused” as to what happened. Spoiler alert: her candidate attempted to run a non-stop attack campaign focused on the perceived threat to democracy despite the fact that she never won a primary.

One dude, with painted fingernails, was so upset that he simply turned on his camera and screamed for 30 seconds.

Another woman was bewildered that a majority of Americans chose a preferred candidate based on economic concerns over abortion. In fact, the exit poll said that the economy was a pressing issue for twice as many Americans than abortion.

Things took a real turn for the weird later on Wednesday, Nov. 6, when one woman – as some form of protest, one can only assume – shaved her head for TikTok.

Much to the likely pleasure of her neighbors, one woman went into her front yard and screeched.

Another woman took the more courteous approach of screaming wildly in a deserted area.

Finally, a Harris voter insulted the appearance of 70million+ Americans, calling them “dumb as bricks”.

It never ceases to amaze that these people make a conscious decision to have a meltdown, film it, and upload it to the internet. So, feel free to give them the attention they crave by sharing this article far and wide!

It’s likely this will just be part one of many.

Left-wing extremism

Teacher Who Cannot Be Bothered To Work Warns Against “Correcting” People of Color

The effective confirmation of Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee means we all must endure at least three months of left-wing extremists telling us how to live our lives, and how to cast our vote – all while being cringe-inducing while doing so.

One group to watch are the “white women for Kamala Harris” who, as the name suggests, are white liberal women in favor of the Democrat who also happen to suffer from white guilt.

At the end of July, the group held a Zoom call where they all instructed others on how to prepare for the upcoming political battle for the White House.

After warning about toxicity, teacher turned self-proclaimed influencer, Arielle Fodor, proved old habits die hard and offered a lecture on how white women can assist “marginalized communities,” whatever those are.

“The toxic [sic] feels smaller when we support each other,” she told others on the Zoom call. “But don’t make it about yourself; as white women we need to use our privilege to make positive changes.”

“If you find yourself talking over or speaking for BIPOC [Black, Indigenous, and people of color] individuals or, God forbid, correcting them, just take a beat,” she added. “Instead, we can put our listening ears on.”

So, there we have it; political correctness has come full circle – where it’s now considered politically incorrect to correct someone if they’re incorrect.

Fortunately, many women on social media distanced themselves from the group.

Others found the instructional language demeaning.

National Affairs

Gen Z Leftist Has Public Meltdown After Biden Steps Down

We can all recount our reaction to Joe Biden’s announcement that he would not seek re-election for a second term in the White House.

For most people, it was an expected “surprise”; the increasing pressure from Democrats meant any credible campaign was ruined, so it was all-but guaranteed that Biden would not stand again. Nevertheless, when the announcement was published on X, it was still a shock given Biden’s sheer reluctance to drop out.

If anything, Republicans are more likely to be upset than Democrats. Donald Trump was guaranteed to defeat President Biden; the likely presidential pick of Kamala Harris adds a degree of uncertainty to an otherwise guaranteed electoral victory. However, the first batch of polling since Biden dropped out showed that Trump is still the favorite.

Of course, not all Democrats are happy, some of whom shared their upset on social media in the immediate aftermath. 

One Gen Z, pro-Biden liberal was particularly distraught. Breaking down into tears on camera, the blond hair, fingers-painted Democrat said Biden’s decision was “like 9/11 for Gen Z.”

“Gen X, and millennials, need to stop trolling me,” he said on TikTok, in teers. “Stop! Biden dropping out is that 9/11 for Gen z. Have some f****** compassion; have some f****** sympathy!”

Fortunately, the majority of social media saw common sense and ridiculed the video when it reached X.

Others were less than impressed by the TikToker’s comparison.

What’s your view on Biden’s decision? Let us know in the comments.

Left-wing extremism

Liberal Claims Only Black Lives Matter Supporters Have The Right To Tan

Every summer, millions of Americans like to catch some UV rays to bronze up a little bit.

Some choose to sit on a beach and bask in the hot summer sun in a quest for tanned skin. Others choose to visit the tanning salon for a session on the sunbed or a spray in the booth.

There are many reasons why we like to tan. In fact, it’s scientifically proven to make you feel better! This is due to the release of endorphins – the same chemical which is released during exercise – when your body is exposed to UV rays.

As with everything according to left-wing extremists though, sun tanning has now been politicized. And in the “everything is racist” era, you know exactly how this one is going to go.

A liberal vlogger under the account name @allegra.leggie.legs on TikTok said white people must not tan if they are not a supporter of the left-wing Black Lives Matter group or an “ally” as she put it.

“If you’re a white person and you can’t wait to get super tanned, and you can’t say “Black Lives Matter”, she said, “and you’re not an ally, and you can’t stand for your black/brown/indigenous/people of color friends and family, then do everyone a favor – tanning is not for you!”

Yes, you read that right. If you can’t pledge your support for a neo-Marxist organization, then I’m afraid the tanning bed isn’t for you.

Fortunately, common sense prevailed when the video was shared on X by the @libsoftitkok account.

Furthermore, others noted that the nation’s presumptive presidential candidates would also be affected by the new anti-racist tanning proclamation.

Left-wing extremism

Apparently You’re Racist If You Celebrate Independence Day

It’s official: Independence Day is now racist (according to the crazies).

That’s the view of one TikTok creator whose astonishing claim proves that some people just never want us to enjoy anything, ever.

For many, the 4th of July represents a day to celebrate liberty and freedom. On this day in 1776, the Founding Fathers ratified the Declaration of Independence to signify legal separation for the thirteen colonies from Great Britain and its then-monarch King George III.

One TikTok poster, however, sees it differently, arguing that Independence Day has “never included all Americans” as Black people were still enslaved at the time of the declaration:

Instead of celebrating with family, the creator encouraged people who want to live an “anti-racist” lifestyle should give money to Black people.

“Ask yourself: where am I benefitting from the labor of Black people, and what am I giving to them in return?” she said in the clip. “Whether its free labor, unpaid labor like social media, or whether its inequitable paid labor.”

“Usually if it’s for social media, you know we give you specific directions on what to do after you consume our content, so do that today,” she continued.

When the TikTok was shared on X by the account @libsoftiktok, many were critical of the poster’s victimization.

Others believed her views were racist.

Despite the creator’s pleas, many are set to celebrate in the traditional fashion instead.

How will you be celebrating this Independence Day? Be sure to let us know in the comments and, above anything, enjoy it!


Anti-Trump Influencer Accidentally Makes Case for Trump

Donald Trump’s third successive efforts to secure the White House have been noticeably different from his previous campaigns.

2016 saw Trump emerge as a rank outsider to secure the Republican Party nomination and later the presidency. On the contrary, his 2020 campaign was focused solely on his successes as President of the United States with no realistic challenge from party colleagues.

2024, if anything, has been a mixture of both. For sure, he has had to earn the nomination with challenges like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley berating him for what they see as damage inflicted on the GOP. Yet, the former president all-but secured the party nomination comparatively early in the electoral cycle – and didn’t even have to attend a single debate to win them.

While liberals have since moved to fearmongering over Trump’s “Project 2025,” they’re also triggered by his Agenda 47 (both of which list policy proposals the Trump administration would like implemented).

One woke influencer discussed the “terrifying” pledges in a viral video, which include closing the Department for Education and returning educational standards to state-level, criminalizing race-based advantage programs, ban gender-affirming care and prohibit federal money from being used on it. Listen to their concerns below – and you’ll be left scratching your head wondering what exactly anyone should be worried about:

The trouble for the woke is a lot of Americans actually agree with the ideas.

Much like the Biden-Harris HQ account, the far-left are once again promoting Trump’s ideas. As one user put it…


Woman Reduced To Tears After Nurse Says Masks Are “Irrelevant”

A TikTok video of a woman breaking down into tears after being told that face masks were “irrelevant” has gone viral online.

The clip features an initially masked hospital patient discussing her recent trip to a clinic in Washington state. In the two-minute anecdote, the woman notes how she was given an extra face mask on leaving the hospital.

After she thanked the nurse for providing an extra mask, she was reportedly told “we could use less of them” by practitioners at the clinic, who also said they “were pointless”.

Despite the patient’s disbelief that masks were not required in an oncology and hematology infusion center, the nurse and three colleagues reiterated that masks had not been worn prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The woman, who said she was “not an oncology patient” but is “immunocompromised”, added she was “so floored” by the conversation before breaking down into tears (watch below):

When the clip made it to social media platform X, users noted how individual beliefs over the effectiveness of masks were largely dictated by mainstream media outlets.

One commenter praised the nurses from the clip.

For some, the TikTok video brought back dark memories of mask mandates during the pandemic.

The effectiveness of masks has long been disputed. In some instances, interpretation of studies and misinformation has prompted media outlets to overreport their usefulness, while their introduction alongside other preventative measures has boosted the true effectiveness of face coverings.

What’s your views on masks? Did you wear one throughout the pandemic? Let us know in the comments.

National Affairs

Donald Trump Earns A Vote In A Way That Only He Can

Donald Trump’s newfound presence on TikTok is earning him votes – and not in the way you’d expect.

TikTok user Jake Applebam posted a screenshot of his conversation with his girlfriend, who refused to vote for the former president in November’s presidential election.

Jake asked his girlfriend how many “likes” he would need to secure on his post in order for his girlfriend to vote for the Republican.

“200k likes minimum and Trump has to [leave a] comment,” she replied.

And to that he said “challenge accepted.”

Despite having only 24,000 followers on the social media platform for his pro-Trump account, the post in question amassed more than 1.6 million likes, with almost 30,000 comments at the time of writing.

As the post began to top 200k likes, Applebam’s girlfriend was confident that despite the attention, there was no way Trump would comment on the post.

But that didn’t last long, as Trump then posted “MAGA” in response to the video. Trump’s comment alone amassed tens of thousands of likes too.

The exchange was later shared onto X, proving popular with supporters of the former president.

Others were less convinced by her commitment, believing she would still vote for President Joe Biden later this year.

Either way, she joins a growing number of Democrats who are disgruntled with the current administration. On Monday, June 10, Biden’s approval rating dipped to 37.6% – his lowest approval of his four-year term thus far.

Trump continues to lead Biden in most polls, with the latter’s re-election chances seemingly diminishing by the day. The incumbent also faces the challenge of losing votes to former Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is running as an independent with a small but significant support base.

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