SCOTUS Rejects Latest Biden Assault on Women’s Rights

The forces of good had a major victory at the Supreme Court:

Let’s put this topic and the recent SCOTUS decisions into plain English. “Title IX” is part of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It was signed into a law as an addition to the original 1964 legislation by president Richard Nixon in 1973. The original intent of Title IX was to protect girls and women from discrimination. Here is the original text:

“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

In plain terms, this made it illegal for schools that take federal money to discriminate against girls. It has traditionally been interpreted to mean that schools must provide equal sports and scholastic opportunities for girls the same as they provide for boys. This led to the expansion of athletic programs for females in U.S. schools. 

But for the past 10 years, American leftists have lost their minds on matters of sex, insisting on adopting the woke idea of “gender identity.” An illusion made up by so-called “transgender” activists, “gender identity” is the false claim that people can be or “feel” either male or female despite their anatomy. That is to say, if a man or boy claims he is a woman or a girl, we have to consider that to be the truth. 

This is what the Biden administration believes, and it has reinterpreted Title IX to mean that boys who call themselves girls must be allowed to enter girls’ locker rooms and sports teams, for example.

About half the states have sued the federal government and persuaded courts to block implementation of these changes. In response, the Biden administration petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to allow it to implement the other Title IX changes, which are blocked along with the gender identity provisions in the states that have won court injunctions. 

The Supreme Court just said “no” in a  5-4 decision. The bottom line: this is not a final decision that stops the changes from Title IX from going into effect. It only means that the lower-court injunctions blocking Title IX changes in about half the states will stay in effect. The other states that approve of the Title IX changes will continue implementing them. The entire issue is very likely to wind up at the Supreme Court for a final decision. 

Most social media users were happy to see a return of (at least some) common sense on the “gender identity” issue, though some are still puzzled how the Democrat party ended up fighting to take away protections for women. 

This one is so on the mark it practically burns up the page:

And is there any issue you can’t find a Simpsons reference for? 

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