Relatives Of The Face Of The Washington Redskins Want His Likeness Back In The NFL

The family of John Two Guns White Calf, known as the face of the Washington Redskins, want the Blackfeet chief to return as the franchise’s logo.

Two Guns White Calf served as the face of the Redskins for nearly half a century from 1972 to 2020. Growing pressure from the George Soros-funded National Congress of American Indians forced the team to change its name and branding despite overwhelming support for the status quo among Native Americans.

Since its sale in 2023, the now-Washington Commanders has sought to retain elements of the team’s heritage with White Calf’s family pushing for his likeness to return to the NFL.

“The fans want him back and we want him back,” said his great nephew Thomas White Calf to Fox News, adding that the family was never consulted about the sudden overhaul.

“Our ancestor was the most famous and most photographed native in history. Two Guns was also the face on the Indian head nickel. I’m proud of him. The Blackfeet are proud of him.”

Montana Republican Sen. Steve Daines also met with the family regarding White Calf’s likeness and said, “It’s a point of pride and represents the rich Native American history that helped make our nation great, and it should be enthusiastically celebrated across our culture.”

The franchise reportedly has no intention of reverting back to its former name – something which was highlighted by commentors on social media.

Nevertheless, it seems fans from all franchises want the Redskins name to return to the sport.

5 thoughts on “Relatives Of The Face Of The Washington Redskins Want His Likeness Back In The NFL”

  1. The best looking helmets that the ‘Skins wore was the helmet with the spear and maroon colored. But anything is better than what they have now and that idiotic name “The Commanders.”

    1. Paul Harvey’s “Rest of the story”: Get rid of the Indian names to send their memory down the memory hole. And give the team a name that invokes images of military officers.

  2. The face and logo were done in honor of them.
    The ones who got upset weren’t the native Americans, they fought against the name change, but white liberals who think they know how every ethnic group should act and think.
    So who really are the racists?
    Those who see race first and foremost.

  3. If the leftists had their way the “Washington Thiefs” logo would be a rainbow colored hair morbidly obese tranny with a moustache.

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