O’Keefe Media Group: Biden State Department Admits the “Great Replacement” Is Real

Americans have been told by our “betters” in government and media that it’s paranoid to talk about “the Great Replacement.” They call it a “conspiracy theory” in order to make normal, rational questions about our government’s open borders immigration policy sound like the ravings of insane people.

CNN’s Don Lemon is a good example. In this exchange with billionaire inventor Elon Musk, Lemon feigns ignorance (maybe he’s not pretending) of how allowing millions of illegal aliens to pour in will get Democrats more votes. Since illegal immigrants can’t vote (technically), he asks how it’s “possible” that they’ll get more votes for the blue side, ignoring the obvious countless pushes from amnesty by Democrats.

Musk explained that the Census, taken every 10 years, counts every person, not just legal citizens. Many of these aliens end up clustering around Democrat-run area. When Congressional districts are redrawn to account for the increase in population, the Democrats will disproportionately get bigger districts and more voters.

Now Project Veritas has released new undercover video with staffers at the State Department. Take a listen and see if you still think the Great Replacement is just a “conspiracy theory.”

Veritas has an officer of the U.S. Consulate on camera saying, “Latin Americans are all leftists. This is just to try and change the demographics of the United States.”

Still a conspiracy theory?

That same Consular officer told the Project Veritas investigator, “I wish people knew we’re letting in criminals daily.” He continued, saying that ordinary hardworking Mexicans stay in their country, but the criminal element, the “garbage,” waltzes right over the border. The Mexican government has no incentive to stop this outward migration because they don’t want this quality of people there any more than the U.S. does.

People on Twitter/X are not surprised.

“BlindFaithBook” sees a connection between U.S. policy and the UK. It seems that the left everywhere has in common a hatred of their own citizens and a preference for outsiders.

“Redacted” puts his/her finger on how this policy is reflected in popular culture:

If an alien from outer space tried to learn about the U.S. from TV commercials, they would conclude that most Americans are black, mixed-race, or Latino, and that every family had a bi-racial couple and mixed children. They would conclude that caucasians are a small minority.

“Balam” isn’t very hopeful:

As others have noted, Democrats themselves have openly promoted the “Great Replacement” theory themselves for years.

After the 2012 election Reuters ran an article headlined “Obama win shows demographic shifts working against Republicans.”

In 2020, Politico ran an article opening with the line “For years, the Democratic Party has operated under one immutable assumption: Long-term demographic trends would give the party something like a permanent majority as the country as a whole grows less white and more urban.”

Elsewhere, former Democrat San Antonio Mayor and Obama Cabinet member Julian Castro commented that “in a couple of presidential cycles, you’ll be on Election Night, you’ll be announcing that we’re calling the 38 electoral votes of Texas for the Democratic nominee for president. It’s changing. It’s going to become a purple state and then a blue state because of the demographics, because of the population growth of folks from outside of Texas.”

What about you readers? Are you surprised or not? What do you think the future holds for immigration in America?

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