Obama and Hillary Clinton’s Top Aide Convicted of Child Sexual Abuse

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton’s former senior aide has been sentenced to over a decade in prison for child sexual abuse. Rahamim Shy, 47, was arrested in the United Kingdom while traveling from New York to Bedford, England, in February 2024 to meet a nine-year-old girl and commit horrific sexual crimes on a minor, the BBC reported.

For around a month, Shy spoke to a woman called “Debbie,” who claimed to be the 9-year-old’s grandmother. However, she was an undercover police officer working for the protection of minors from sexual exploitation.

According to the Crown Prosecution Service that prosecuted the case, the senior Democratic adviser planned to “commit unspeakable acts against a child for his own sexual gratification.”

Through messaging apps, the Democrat detailed the disturbing acts he was planning to commit on the minor. He also said that nine years was a “tad late,” suggesting that he was more interested in much younger children. Nevertheless, he felt honored to be the 9-year-old’s “first” sexual encounter.

Police also searched his luggage and found toys and condoms, which they said proved he was serious about committing the described horrific acts on a child. Shy’s phone also contained child sex materials, which proved he was sexually obsessed with children.

“Rahamim Shy is a predator who was fully prepared to commit unspeakable acts against a child for his own sexual gratification,” said Lorraine Telford, a Child Protection Services (CPS) officer, who testified during the prosecution.

Telford added that based on Shy’s online conversations, the American had fully demonstrated his sole intention of traveling to commit rape on vulnerable children.

However, his defense argued that he was exempt from prosecution because the crime occurred while he was in the United States, away from the jurisdiction of English courts. 

However, the prosecution demonstrated that English courts had the jurisdiction to try cases that would have resulted in crimes in England, the actual existence of the child notwithstanding.

Shy was subsequently found guilty of arranging to commit a child sex offense, specifically rape and being in the possession of child porn. He was sentenced to 11 and a half years in prison.

Shy is hardly the first Democrat to be busted on child sexual abuse. Recently, an anti-Trump gay activist and Democratic National Convention (DNC) delegate, Matthew Inman, was arrested after planning to meet and commit horrific sexual acts on a nine-year-old boy.

Like Shy, Inman had been communicating with an undercover officer who pretended to be the child’s father. The gay activist and DNC delegate expressed his intention of sexually abusing the minor and sent child sexual abuse material (CSAM) to the undercover officer.

Unlike Shy, who is likely to serve half of his 11.5-year prison sentence, Inman stares directly at the prospect of serving anywhere between half a decade and two decades in a federal prison.

Nonetheless, the punishment for child sexual abuse remains lenient enough to allow predators to complete their sentences and leave prison in time to commit more sexual crimes against children.

President Trump had proposed imposing the death penalty on child molesters, while only a handful of states, like Florida, have the law on their books. 

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