There’s no let-up in the leftist campaign to canonize George Floyd. One of his daughters, Gianna Floyd, has announced that she’s producing a biopic about her father called “Daddy Changed the World.”
Did he ever.
Floyd, a longtime drug addict and criminal, spent plenty of time in jail from the late 1990s to 2005 on a variety of drug and theft charges. In 2009 he pleaded guilty to aggravated robbery after pointing a gun at a woman and demanding money to buy drugs. He spent five years in prison until 2013.
The world watched transfixed when video of Floyd’s encounter with Minneapolis police went viral. Officer Derek Chauvin, who was later convicted of murder, put his knee on Floyd’s back during an arrest for passing counterfeit currency, convincing onlookers and a jury that Chauvin killed him by asphyxiation. Critics dispute this, pointing out that his autopsy report revealed high levels of fentanyl and other hard drugs in his system. Whatever the truth of Floyd’s death, Black Lives Matter Activists used it to mobilize the “defund the police” movement across the country, and chaos ensued nationwide.
Meanwhile, Floyd was elevated to secular sainthood on social media, a status he still enjoys. Check out President Joe Biden’s religious-level praise of a career crook:

Meanwhile, a lot of regular people on X are not so impressed with Biden, or with the prospect of a movie that puts a halo on Floyd. Here’s podcaster Styxenhammer:

User “MakeAmericaSaneAgain” mashed up some memes showing the “mostly peaceful protests” that kicked off after Floyd’s death became a sensation:

Another used more measured language than some others to say what many normal people believe. What’s crazy to us at Wokespy is how afraid most Americans are to say perfectly sensible things like this:

Of more relevance to reality, there’s also a new documentary questioning the bogus mainstream media narratives surrounding Floyd’s death worth watching:
What’s your take on the canonization of Saint Floyd? Let us know in the comments.