Is there anything that “trans” has not contaminated? From movies to television to school curricula to (mostly female) church preachers to children’s programming, it’s all trans, all the time. Time was it was considered, well, weird to be a grown man in makeup and girlie clothes. Now the transvestites of yesterday’s daytime talk shows, presented as the studies in human oddity that they were, are pushed in our faces as “real women.”
But wait-there’s more! Wildly popular Youtube video maker “Mr. Beast,” known for elaborate video pranks and philanthropic give-aways, has a trans sidekick. MrBeast, whose real name is Jimmy Donaldson, boasts a relatively young audience base of over 300 million subscribers on YouTube, and is known for his elaborate and often philanthropic videos. He’s gained widespread recognition for his attention-grabbing stunts, large-scale challenges, and generous donations, often giving away large sums of money, cars, and even houses to strangers and fans.
This has been known for a while since viewers started noticing that co-host Chris Tyson had started to look and act a little more effeminate.
Well now Chris, who abandoned his wife and child, is “Kris”, and “she” is telling everyone that female hormones “saved” “her” life.
“I am a woman! She/her. I’ve never said that publicly, but I’ve been fully confident in that decision for over a year now,” he said in a recent interview.
But wait—there’s even more! Kris Tyson isn’t just any trans woman; it appears Tyson may be interested in children for reasons other than paternal. The campaign group Gays Against Groomers, made up of homosexuals fighting against the encroachment of child abusers and pedophiles into what used to be simply called the “gay community” has this:
The trans community, amazingly, was more concerned with his bad it made them look, rather than express any concern for the minors involved.

Now, these are all still just allegations, but talk around Chris Tyson’s sexual interests potentially veering into the “inappropriately aged” category has been going on for some time. This video makes additional allegations:
Social media users seem unsurprised at the accusations, and why shouldn’t they be? We’ve been screamed at for years that “trans women” are real women, normal in every way, even when these lady men are caught perving in women’s bathrooms and worse.
Some parents caught on earlier (maybe it was the suspicious use of the “trans colors” of baby pink and baby blue on the wrappers for Mr. Beast snack bars.
Normal people are tired of being quiet and told they’re bigots for noticing depravity and saying “no thanks.”
More is sure to come out over time. What do you think about all this? Tell us in the comments!