Kamala on Flooding U.S. with Millions of Illegal Aliens: “We Did the Right Thing”

Vice President Kamala Harris‘s disastrous CNN town hall has created many viral moments, but perhaps her assertion that her administration did “the right thing” by allowing millions of illegal aliens to pour into the country is the most shocking.

Harris was tapped by Biden to tackle the border problems, and now she says having an open border is good.

CNN host Anderson Cooper highlighted numerous border initiatives Harris failed to secure, including an immigration bill that fell flat during the tenure of the Democrat-controlled House and Senate.

The administration also failed to implement an executive order that would have alleviated the crisis on the southern border.

“Why didn’t your administration do that in 2022, 2023?” Cooper asked.

“First of all, you’re exactly right, Anderson, and as of today, we have cut the flow of immigration by over half,” Harris responded.

“But if it was that easy with that executive action, why not do it 2022, 2023?? Cooper pressed.

“Because we were working with Congress and hoping that actually, we could have a long-term fix to the problem, instead of a short-term fix,” Harris claimed.

Cooper pressed again, asking, You couldn’t have done both at the same time?”

Harris responded by cshifting the blame on Congress for the administration’s border crisis.

“Do you wish you’d done those executive orders in 2022, 2023?” Cooper asked.

Harris responded: “I think we did the right thing.”


Read More at the Daily Fetched

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