Kamala Harris’ Website Features More Pronouns Than Policies

Kamala Harris has done a fantastic job of promoting herself without unveiling a single policy in the campaign so far.

Since being made the de facto nominee for the Democratic Party following President Joe Biden’s decision not to stand for re-election, Harris has been on a whistlestop tour of the United States. It’s one which has seen little face-to-face scrutiny with the media while the Vice President promises change from an administration which she is an integral part of.

Harris’ campaign events have provided little insight into what she would do if elected on November 5. Unfortunately, nor does her website.

Aside from regular reminders to give your hard-earned money to her campaign and requests to hand over your email address, the website features little substance. There are introductory articles on Harris and running mate Tim Walz, as well as a store if you wish to spend $22 on a cup with Harris’ name on it. There’s also an events page, so you can plan a quick getaway if the campaign comes to your town for your vote.

Yet, much like her campaign, there’s not a single mention of any policy.

Rejoice, though! There are at least nine different pronouns you can identify with if you want to jump on the bandwagon, as commentator Blaire White pointed out:

Many on social media were perplexed by the vast quantities of pronouns.

Commentator Brianna Wu, who is rumored to be transgender, said that beyond “they/them,” the pronoun saga was “stupid.”

Other users on social media said the charade was a perfect metaphor for Harris’ campaign.

2 thoughts on “Kamala Harris’ Website Features More Pronouns Than Policies”

  1. These visits with insanity will come in phases. As our reactions are recorded, they will have their use if the Party succeeds.
    We allowed this to happen. Our logic, truth and compassion no longer exist in their reset. The enemy is determined to win. In their own words, Whatever it takes.
    We have become the Former United States, and neither side will accept losing the election.
    If we are not careful, the very concept of right and wrong will be erased.

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