Kamala Harris Doesn’t Bother Editing Her Speeches In “This State”

In a bid to demonstrate that she doesn’t just rely on a script, Kamala Harris has been repeating speeches at different rallies in different swing states.

Two separate rallies – both held on the same day in Wisconsin and Michigan – featured identical lines and mannerisms as she spoke to the paying audience.

Stood behind the Vice Presidential podium as if to remind people that she is partly responsible for the state of the country today, Harris delivered her speeches largely focused on beating Donald Trump and the importance of “this state.”

Among other parts of the speech that were identical, she notably told both states that they’re going to be the one to decide the election; “I am clear, the path to the White House runs right through this state,” she said (twice) on Wednesday.

Harris also repeated phrases such as “I took on perpetrators of all kinds,” as well as references to her summer job in McDonalds. Furthermore, the clip contains a bizarre side-by-side segment of Harris saying, “and when we fight, we win” with identical lack of enthusiasm at both rallies.

Many on social media had their own theories as to the reasoning for Harris’ repetitive rallies.

What’s your view as to why Vice President Harris is so repetitive? Let us know in the comments below.

2 thoughts on “Kamala Harris Doesn’t Bother Editing Her Speeches In “This State””

  1. When you can only do a speech off the teleprompter it is just easier to do the same one over and over again. I checked and Kalama has given this same speech five times now. We did see when she is forced off script it does not go well, see the “Final Solution” protestors at the Detroit rally.

  2. Well, when you spend an incredible amount of time in front of professional speech coaches rehearsing over and over and over again to finally get the delivery right, why would you want to change the material when it took you that long to get it right? She doesn’t have time for that. She has to get out in public as much as possible to give the media ample opportunity to fawn at her. The media will never focus on the content anyway.

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