Joe Biden Accused Of Packing The Court Amid Supreme Court Reform Ambitions

President Joe Biden has been accused of packing the Supreme Court as he attempts to introduce term limits on justices.

With his days in office numbered following his decision not to stand for re-election, Biden is pushing an extreme reform of the Supreme Court in a bid to remove conservative influence from the highest judicial body in the land.

Conservatives currently control SCOTUS with a 6-3 majority. Although the court is not limited on the number of justices it can have, it has traditionally been set at nine since 1869.

Packing the Supreme Court is a controversial move, as critics see it as a way for lawmakers, including the President, to exert influence over an otherwise apolitical judicial policy.

To circumvent this, Biden wants to introduce 18-year term limits for Supreme Court justice. “Why 18?” you may wonder. Well, such a move would automatically disqualify conservative justices John Roberts, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, thus meaning Biden could appoint three liberal justices in their place.

In other words, this would change the composition of the court from a 6-3 conservative court to a 6-3 liberal court.

Fortunately, social media users have quickly caught on to the President’s intentions.

Others agreed with the need for term limits, but disagreed with Biden’s desperation. There were also questions over whether the Supreme Court was the right target.

9 thoughts on “Joe Biden Accused Of Packing The Court Amid Supreme Court Reform Ambitions”

  1. democRATS are an existential threat to the United States of America as created by our Founding Fathers.

  2. Where the hell is Congress or the MILITARY… are you going to arrest this POS for TREASON????

  3. where are the cowards of Scotus. They should be setting orders on biden s flagrant FU to them on student loans. I would be pissed as hell if I was on Scotus. As it is I m still pissed off.

  4. The same Satanic, communist serpent who slithered his way through Russia in the late nineteenth-early twentieth centuries, has been slithering his way through the democrat party, starting with the Wilson Administration (FDR wanted to pack the court). He is now in full and total control of the DNC. If you don’t see the correlation between the two, you’re ignorant of history…or worse, support the inevitable outcome: totalitarianism. I don’t care for Trump’s bombastic, hyperbolic rhetoric…but he’s not looking to control you and take away your freedoms.

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