Video: Illegals Tell Investigators They’re Registered to Vote

The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project collaborated with to shine light on the problem of illegal aliens being registered to vote – a real problem that Democrats have long denied because they want to continue benefitting from it.

In a video posted on X, Mike Howell, Executive Director of the Heritage Oversight Project, has urged Americans to “declare independence from foreigners deciding our elections.”

“The evidence you are about to see relates to illegal aliens being registered to vote,” Oversight Project Director Mike Howell opens the video. “This is a problem national in scale. The United States of America is for Americans, and our elections only should be decided by them.”

Out of the 41 people surveyed, four admitted they were non-citizens registered to vote. While 41 is too small a sample to extrapolate from nationally, it would imply that about 10% of illegals are registered to vote if we were to. 

You can see their report for yourself below:

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