“Homophobic” Road Signs Removed From Los Angeles Neighborhood

Woke extremists are celebrating after “homophobic” street signs were removed from a Los Angeles neighborhood.

And by “homophobic street signs,” I mean “street signs.”

The signs in Silver Lake were apparently put up in the 1990s to prevent gay men from hanging around a residential area following complaints from residents. They included “No Cruising” and “No U-Turns” signs which would somehow prevent homosexuals from hooking up.

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Some of the “No Cruising” signs were removed in 2011, according to NBC Los Angeles. However, after Los Angeles City Councilmember Nithya Raman heard about the signs on a podcast, she collaborated with fellow Councilmember Hugo Soto-Martinez to remove the remainder in a “bureaucratic process” which is reported to have taken months.

“Here in Silver Lake, cruising, of course, meant something very different. It meant an opportunity for the LGBT community to try to find human connection and intimacy and to be able to express themselves in a society at the time that was not very welcoming to the LGBT community,” Soto-Martinez said.

Another Silver Lake councilmember, who goes by the name “Maebe A. Girl”, expressed surprise that the signs had not been removed despite “the history of it”.

This major step towards greater tolerance and respect for one another (just kidding) sparked widespread ridicule from users on the social media platform X.

It’s unclear how lifting a ban on U-turns will improve the lives of the local gay community, but campaigners can finally relax now that Los Angeles is a safer place.

Some also raised the question as to what would happen if the change in traffic regulations caused more accidents in the area.

Which traffic signs, if any, do you believe infringe on your civil liberties? Let us know in the comments below.

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Fred Wright
Fred Wright
9 months ago

Since I am impotent, I’m offended by the road sign “dead end”

9 months ago

Slow Children at Play. Hurts the feelings of the developmental challenged

Tired O'Libs
Tired O'Libs
Reply to  Hoppy
9 months ago

No its for democrat politicians like the POTUS, so they know where they can start trolling for their next victims!

S.T. Rugglin
S.T. Rugglin
9 months ago

Yield signs offend me because there is no surrender in my soul!

Steve Henderson
Steve Henderson
9 months ago

Stop signs offend me. Stop what? Being who God created me to be? Seriously, I have to take two extra Xanaxes every time I see one.

Roger J
Roger J
Reply to  Steve Henderson
9 months ago

Speed Limit signs kill my well-being. My guru tells me I am unlimited but Society is constantly trying to limit me!

Kurtis Griffith
Kurtis Griffith
9 months ago

The snowflakes should seriously back off. I grew up in the 60’s when they couldn’t go a week without getting assaulted. I stood up to stop that but the BS is getting too thick for me to do it now!

9 months ago

The media now celebrates and defends the mentally ill people who have a distorted agenda… this is not a good sign for humanity regardless of any belief systems.

9 months ago

Diamond lanes, they discriminate against single occupant vehicles and they hurt the feeling of every solo occupant vehicle driver. Even worst are diamond lanes which charge you money to drive on. Total ‘equity’ means everyone can use any lane on the road at any time!

9 months ago

As we watch this lunacy, one has to wonder if we get giant signs that say POLITICIANS HAVE TO GROW UP!

Arnel Pournsmack
Arnel Pournsmack
9 months ago

At this level of stupidity, I’m surprised they know how to read at all.