

Woman Goes for Karen Of The Year Over Trump’s Person of The Year

Most people who aren’t on the left have given up on mainstream media. MSNBC’s unprecedented and huge ratings loss after the election is an extreme example, but the flagship papers and network/cable shows that have been household names for decades are teetering on the brink. Years of lying—not merely bias, but direct lying—to viewers whenever the topic or person is “right-wing-coded” are finally, deservedly, catching up. 

Exactly zero of the mainstream media refrained from lying about Donald Trump and the Republican Party since 2016 (yes, it goes back farther, but this was the jumping point for extremity). Every one of them republished the “fine people on both sides” hoax about Trump. Every one of them called him a fascist dictator while the Democrats in power actually locked down American citizens and tried to force them to take experimental and and dangerous “vaccines.” It’s called “narcissistic reversal”: turning around and accusing your blameless opponent of the wicked behavior that you yourself are actually doing. 

So it comes as a shock to see this cover on Time Magazine, juxtaposed with Trump’s mugshot:

One genuinely does not expect even the most storied news publications to be capable any longer of commenting reasonably on Trump, his allies, or any Republican politician or voter. Is change in the air? Maybe, but the next trick the left will pull is to make a big deal out of Time putting Adolf Hitler on its cover in 1938. All the better to say, “See? Trump is a Nazi!”

One such might be this woman, as good an avatar for the average female leftist as you’re going to find. She’s got it all, the aggressive and deliberate effort to be as unattractive as possible, the big Look At Me Glasses, and the hectoring nag directly at the camera. 

Karen—let’s call her that—is very disappointed with Time Magazine. 

“In a year when we had Taylor Swift, Kamala Harris, and Gisele Pichot, you chose the most repugnant vile human being to ever walk the earth as your person of the year,” quoth the Karen. 

The most? The absolute most, Karen? Even worse than the man who actually killed 6 million Jews? 

Let’s see if X/Twitter agrees. 

Democrats, Woke

New Jersey Town Council Bans American Flag, Ejects Resident From Public Meeting

The anti-Americanism of the modern left would be unbelievable to a typical American from the mid-20th century. Since the hippies of the 1960s, anti-U.S. sentiment has grown to the point where it’s considered normal for half the country to hate its own nation. Leftist academics, policy wonks, and news anchors regularly call the United States an evil global colonial empire. To them, everything the U.S. does is wrong and causes “harm” to someone, somewhere. 

And under no circumstances are you allowed (if you’re anywhere on the left) to show allegiance or patriotism to your own country. Does that sound like an exaggeration? The town council in Edison, New Jersey, just voted to ban American flags during public meetings. Oh, of course, they gave themselves plausible deniability by claiming to ban the use of “props” by speakers from the public. But American flags are considered a “prop,” too, and is anyone truly buying the claim that the signs or charts that speakers might use were some kind of distraction from public business? 

In typical modern leftist fashion, the council went even farther.

When a local lawyer with a small American flag took the podium, the council had him removed from the building by security. That lawyer, Joel Bassoff, tried to warn them during the removal that they should really consult a competent lawyer because what they were doing was going to find them on the losing end of a lawsuit. But leftists have not yet experienced enough consequences for their behavior to take that sage advice seriously.

The election of Donald Trump is just the beginning; serious punishments have to be carried out on public officials who violate the constitution. They’ve had free rein to abuse conservative Americans for so many years that leftist politicos (rightly, unfortunately) believe they’re above the law. 

Basoff said, “I’m holding an American flag to represent the constitutional values” as an increasingly annoyed Council President Nishith Patel banged his gavel in frustration. Then like the petty dictator he is, Patel announced to the security officer, “his time is forfeited.” The compliant police officer was happy to carry out unconstitutional orders and made sure Basoff was kicked out of the room. 

Check out this video of the incident below: 

Users on X/Twitter were not any happier than the angry audience in the Edison, New Jersey, meeting room:

That tweet above is from Scott Pressler, a conservative activist who made huge gains in Republican voting this year, persuading thousands of normally non-political Pennsylvania Amish to go to the polls this year. 


Corporate Wokeness is Dying Right Before Our Eyes as Wall St. Abandons DEI

There’s a scene in the classic comedy 9 to 5 in which the three main characters are having a fantasy about liberating their coworkers from an oppressive boss who steals all their ideas and never gives the workers credit. It happens during an “old-fashioned ladies’ pot party” where the characters get stoned and we’re whisked away to a magical world where the good guys win. 

At the end the three women in medieval princess costumes address the joyful crowd as bells peal while the iron shackles fall off the peasants and sun peaks into the dungeon. 

It feels a bit like that when looking at the death throes of woke ideology in corporate America:

Besides, it’s pretty cool that someone took the time to listen to the quarterly earnings calls of more than 9,000 publicly traded companies just to figure out how many times they said annoying words like “diversity” and “inclusion” (perhaps AI helped a bit). The chart was put together by liberal outlet Axios based on data from AlphaSense. It peaked at over 300 mentions during the height of the post-George Floyd hysteria, and has since fallen like a rock – though it’s still above pre-Floyd levels.

Even more delicious is this quotation from the president of the consulting firm Gravity Research. Luke Hartig says companies are getting scared of being sued by the incoming Trump administration. “The legal risk could only continue to escalate in this administration,” he said. 

Good. They should be sued. What has been passed off as just a “nice” and “caring” way to help those poor systemically oppressed ethnic minorities was always just naked—and illegal—racism against white people. No, American law does not permit companies to preferentially hire based on race, but that’s exactly what DEI initiatives pushed companies into doing for the past four hysterical years. It looks like Wall Street is finally learning that racism against whites is just as illegal as racism against blacks. 

Even more delicious is the news that conservative activist Robby Starbucks’ relentless hounding of racist companies has paid off, as they say, “bigly.” Starbuck has helped stop companies like Tractor Supply and Walmart to stop cooperating with bigoted nonprofit groups such as the Human Rights Campaign, and to stop subjecting their employees to lectures about hard-left political issues. 

Look at that list, and marvel at the power this lunatic “woke” craze has exerted. Could you ever have predicted that all-American companies like Harley Davidson would have fallen sway to a cultish politics that called men and maleness “toxic” while applauding stripper drag queens who perform for children? 

The reaction on Twitter/X is pretty jubilant. 

This user made a mock-up of House Rep. Nancy Mace, who demanded successfully this week that men calling themselves women be barred from using the ladies’ room at the Capitol. 

Here’s an interesting idea:


Researchers Find Dumb Fake Word “Latinx” Makes Hispanics Vote Republican

Remember, it’s “intellectually challenged,” not “retarded.” It’s “unhoused,” not “homeless.” It’s “person experiencing homelessness,” not “homeless person.” It’s “person of color,” not “black man.” It’s “food insecurity,” not “hunger.” It’s “person of transgender experience” not “sex-change freak.” It’s “person experiencing diabetes,” not “a diabetic.” It’s “mental health challenges,” not “insane.” 

Are you irritated at being lectured to about language for a paragraph? You’re in good company with Hispanics and Latinos, then; more on that below. The euphemism treadmill is an endless cycle of substituting newer and vaguer words for old and well-known things. Or, “old wine in new bottles.” Linguist Steven Pinker first pointed out how terms go through phases, and as soon as the unpleasant meaning behind the term catches up with the word, we throw out the word and insert a new one for the same damned thing. 

Most people find the ever-shifting linguistic carousel impossible to keep up with and annoying. But while it’s bad enough to risk social and professional censure for using the wrong word to describe hungry people, it’s entirely another to have the word for your own ethnicity doctored and replaced by woke liberals. 

That’s what the sainted left has been trying to do for years with the word “Latino.” Woke blue hairs are convinced that men are bad, and that we in the west live in a “patriarchy.” For anyone who can believe that nonsense, it’s a short step to re-engineering the very names of ethnic groups, whether they like it or not. And they do not. 

Have you heard the term “Latinx”? No one is sure how it’s pronounced (“la-tinks”? “la-teen-ex”?) because it’s not a real word. But the woke left has been trying to make it one for years. Why? Because Spanish is a gendered language, and they really-super-don’t-like that the collective noun for a group of Spanish speakers has a masculine “o” ending. It’s the same henpecking that took away “waitress” and gave us “server,” and that insists on calling women in show business “actors” instead of “actresses.”

Did any of the societal saviors think to ask actual Spanish speakers what they thought? Nope. But they’re telling us what they think through their votes, according to this paper co-written by scholars from Georgetown University and Harvard titled “The X Factor: How Group Labels Shape Politics.”

To quote from the study’s abstract:

We present an Identity-Expansion-Backlash Theory and posit politicians who use inclusive group labels may experience backlash among relevant group members predisposed against newly included or salient group members. Latinos’ relationship with “Latinx,” a gender-inclusive label, is a theoretical test case. 

Using several datasets, we find: Latinos are less likely to support politicians who use “Latinx”; Latinos who oppose “Latinx” are less likely to support politicians who used or are associated with “Latinx”; Latinos in areas where “Latinx” is more salient are more likely to switch their vote toward Trump between 2016-2020.

While Republican Latinos were the most likely to be turned off by the woke language, even Democrat Latinos were less likely to support candidates who used it:

Isn’t it amazing? The researchers correctly noted that Hispanics don’t like “Latinx,” and that it seems to push them to vote Trump (Republican). But they still recommend trying to indoctrinate Latinos further to force them to accept this ugly neologism being applied to themselves. 

Let’s see what X users had to say. 


Viral Backlash Over New Rainbow Flag Crosswalk Design In Colorado

The city of Fort Collins, CO, has unveiled a new rainbow flag-themed crosswalk.

Located on Howes Street, the crosswalk was unveiled in time for LGBTQ+ History Month and “National Coming Out Day” on Friday, Oct. 11.

“Coming out is a powerful act of authenticity and bravery that fosters understanding and connection. While we celebrate those who choose to live openly, we recognize that many still feel hesitant to come out at work,” said City Manager Kelly DiMartino. “Our goal is to create an environment where everyone feels safe and supported, regardless of their coming-out journey.”

The symbol’s installation forced the closure of Howes Street for several hours, before the crosswalk was officially opened with a ribbon-cutting ceremony the following day.

Quite why a painted flag will help closeted homosexuals embrace their true selves was not made clear in the city’s press release, which also failed to recognize the divisive nature of the rainbow flag or the potential distracting danger to vehicular traffic. There was no mention of any cost to local taxpayers, nor was there acknowledgement of previous incidents involving Pride-themed road markings.

Many expressed frustration that taxpayer money was yet again being used on virtue signaling.

Other commentors were simply fed up with more wokeism on the streets.


Shock! BLM Chapter Leader Goes to Prison for Stealing Charitable Funds

It’s so predictable by now the headlines write themselves. A “minority” population member claims to be fighting the good fight against some kind of oppression. And then the activist is found to be a thief or a con artist. 

It’s been six years since minor actor Jussie Smollett  told the world that he was walking along the streets in Chicago at 2 a.m. when he was accosted by Trump-supporting thugs. Smollett, a gay actor who appeared in the Fox drama Empire, claimed that the “assailants” asked him if he was that “f*ggot” from the show Empire before putting a noose around his neck, pouring bleach on him, and telling Smollett that he was in “MAGA country.”

It’s hard to say which was less believable, this story, or his claim that he was on his way to Subway for a sandwich on foot in the wee hours in the middle of winter.

Then there’s NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace. In 2020 he got himself a bucket load of outraged sympathy for a “noose” that he claims he found hanging in his NASCAR garage. Because it’s *totally* normal and customary in the 21st century for racist white people to sneak into garages and make nooses. We see this so often it doesn’t even seem newsworthy, right? 

Of course, and as always, there was no noose, because these lurid tales of 1920–style racism from black celebrities are always lies. There was a rope in Wallace’s NASCAR garage. It did have a loop. Because it was a standard door-pull. 

Let’s bring this grift up to date with some recent news about Black Lives Matter. This fine selfless gentleman, who headed up the BLM chapter in Atlanta, Georgia, was just put away in prison for 42 months. Seems he was stealing charitable donations to BLM to pay for his own fancy house, personal travel, and “luxury items.”

Get a load of Tyree Conyers-Page. This guy made other people call him “Sir Maejor Page.” 

This is nothing new for BLM, of course, which has turned out to be nothing but a money-laundering operation to enrich the narcissistic leadership. 

According to the report:

Prosecutors said that Page took money donated to his organization through Facebook and used it for travel, personal items, and a home in Toledo, Ohio.

In court, Page claimed some of the money he spent on his own lifestyle was part of a “reasonable salary” for managing the organization – though he admitted to prosecutors he never consulted anyone with the organization about what his pay should have been, the Toledo Blade reported.

Page had been found guilty on one count of wire fraud and three counts of money laundering in April after a six-day trial.

As you can imagine, X users found this news interesting. 

Wait–are people allowed to ask this question?


Some more unauthorized dot-connecting:

This one’s gonna burn some white leftie women. 


Caterpillar Revokes Woke Policies In Latest Victory For Conservative Campaign

DEI destroyer Robby Starbuck has claimed victory as another major corporation was forced to curtail their “diversity, equity, and inclusion” policies as part of a conservative campaign.

Industrial manufacturer Caterpillar is the latest company to remove its woke policies, following in the footsteps of a growing list of major corporations in recent months.

Training on diversity policies has been scrapped, while divisive events will no longer be funded by Caterpillar. The company will also withdraw from the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index – a measure of how pro-LGBTQ a firm is – while third-party initiatives which may be politically divisive must now be approved at an executive level.

Starbuck said Caterpillar’s 113,000 employees would “no longer be subjected to the insanity we found during our investigation,” but praised executives for taking the “unifying action”.

“Our campaigns are so effective that we’re getting some of the biggest corporations on earth to change their policies without me even posting a video first just from the fear they have of being the next company we expose,” Starbuck wrote on X. “The landscape of corporate America is quickly shifting to sanity and neutrality. We are the trend now, not the anomaly.”

Many had praise for the campaigner’s latest victory over a major U.S. corporation.

Another was impressed by the term “corporate neutrality”.


Molson Coors Says “Woke No More” In DEI Policy Shift

Molson Coors, best known for producing Coors and Miller Lite, has announced a swathe of changes to its diversity, equity, and inclusion policies in an attempt to avoid the Bud Lite treatment.

The beer giant is the latest to reverse its woke corporate policies amid a growing campaign by conservative activist Robby Starbuck.

So far under his social media campaign, Starbuck has pushed changes at farmyard manufacturers John Deere and Tractor Supply. As momentum has grown in recent weeks, automobile giants Ford and Harley-Davidson have also scaled back DEI initiatives while home improvement outlet Lowe’s has also joined the trend.

Molson Coors announced the changes in a letter to employees shared by Starbuck on Monday, September 3.

DEI-based training programs have been scrapped, as have donations to “divisive events” such as Pride. Supplier diversity goals and compensation tied to DEI hiring targets are also gone, while employee resource groups will no longer focus on race or sexual orientation.

Like many of the aforementioned corporations, Molson Coors will also be withdrawing from the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index which gauges how LGBTQ+-friendly a workplace is.

“Our campaigns are so effective that we’re getting multi-billion-dollar organizations to change their policies without me even posting just from the fear they have of being the next company that we expose,” Starbuck wrote on social media. “The landscape of corporate America is quickly shifting to sanity and neutrality. We are now the trend, not the anomaly.”

Alongside the ever-deserved praise for Starbuck, some raised concerns over whether large-scale corporations follow through on their pledges to revoke woke.

Others drew a connection to the infamous Bud Light fiasco.

DEI Pushback, Woke

Matt Walsh Infiltrates White-Woman-Bashing Dinner Parties in New Film

Conservative podcaster and commentator Matt Walsh broke most of the rules of liberal Hollywood in 2022 with his wildly successful comic documentary What is a Woman. He traveled the world asking that simple question, which has, unbelievably, become incredibly difficult to answer in the West as society has succumbed to the insanity of gender ideology.

The only people in the film who seemed to understand how crackpot the question really is were the members of the African Masai tribe, who had no idea that Westerners had forgotten the difference between men and women. 

Click below to start the hilarity. 

Now Walsh is tweaking the noses of the progressive left by asking another short question. Am I Racist is the title of his new film. Taking the same approach he did for What is a Woman, Walsh manages to sneak himself into the conferences and dinner parties of the mentally unbalanced left who worship at the feet of narcissistic race grifters like Robin DiAngelo, author of White Fragility. 

If you didn’t know that these people exist, you would think Walsh made them up. But we can assure you that they are real.

Regina Jackson and Saira Rao run a white-woman mortification scheme called “Race 2 Dinner.” White women paid $2,500 for the privilege of having dinner with the pair and other white women while being told that they’re awful Karens who were born with the original sin of racism simply because their skin is white. Yes, it does seem reasonable to suspect there’s a sexual and sadomasochistic element to these dire affairs. 

Disguised in a bad wig and a Covid mask, Walsh managed to get hired as a catering waiter for one of the dinners. You have to watch this clip to believe it. Saira Rao bizarrely starts out claiming that she, an Indian woman, “used to be a white woman, an unsuccessful one,” before excoriating her white female dining companions for being awful people who live miserable lives. Everyone gets their jollies their own way, apparently. 

As she attempted to lecture at her race-baiting dinner, Walsh interjected to completely derail the discussion in the funniest way possible – concluding with Walsh asking attendees to raise a glass if they’re racist – to which nearly the entire table complied.

Wokespy readers, we hope you let us know how this “hit you” in the comments below. Let’s see what people on social media had to say. 

Galen was laughing despite himself:

Isn’t it amazing what a little piece of cloth in the form of a face diaper will do? 

We don’t know about you, but we’re with this guy:


National Nuclear Security Administration Official Previously Called For “Queering Nuclear Weapons” And DEI Initiatives

A newly appointed Biden-Harris administration official at the Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration previously advocated for “queering nuclear weapons” as part of a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) agenda.

Sneha Nair was appointed as a special assistant in February 2024 having “led research on insider threat mitigation, bias in human reliability programs, and implications of emerging technologies” in previous roles.

In June 2023, Nair co-authored an article in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists which called for queer theory to be used in shaping nuclear policy. She argued that DEI policies were “essential for creating effective nuclear policy” and described queer theory as “a field of study, closely related to feminist theory, that examines sex- and gender-based norms.”

“The queer lens prioritizes the rights and well-being of people over the abstract idea of national security, and it challenges the mainstream understanding of nuclear weapons—questioning whether they truly deter nuclear war, stabilize geopolitics, and reduce the likelihood of conventional war,” she wrote in the piece. “Queer theory asks: Who created these ideas? How are they being upheld? Whose interests do they serve? And whose experiences are being excluded?”

She has also previously described DEI policies as “a set of values critical to security” which can “work to mitigate counterproductive work behavior and prevent disgruntled employees from becoming insider threats.”

Many on social media were astounded by her claims.

There was also doubt as to whether queer theory would be the most appropriate policy in the face of nuclear warfare.

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