Woman Goes for Karen Of The Year Over Trump’s Person of The Year
Most people who aren’t on the left have given up on mainstream media. MSNBC’s unprecedented and huge ratings loss after the election is an extreme example, but the flagship papers and network/cable shows that have been household names for decades are teetering on the brink. Years of lying—not merely bias, but direct lying—to viewers whenever the topic or person is “right-wing-coded” are finally, deservedly, catching up.
Exactly zero of the mainstream media refrained from lying about Donald Trump and the Republican Party since 2016 (yes, it goes back farther, but this was the jumping point for extremity). Every one of them republished the “fine people on both sides” hoax about Trump. Every one of them called him a fascist dictator while the Democrats in power actually locked down American citizens and tried to force them to take experimental and and dangerous “vaccines.” It’s called “narcissistic reversal”: turning around and accusing your blameless opponent of the wicked behavior that you yourself are actually doing.
So it comes as a shock to see this cover on Time Magazine, juxtaposed with Trump’s mugshot:
One genuinely does not expect even the most storied news publications to be capable any longer of commenting reasonably on Trump, his allies, or any Republican politician or voter. Is change in the air? Maybe, but the next trick the left will pull is to make a big deal out of Time putting Adolf Hitler on its cover in 1938. All the better to say, “See? Trump is a Nazi!”
One such might be this woman, as good an avatar for the average female leftist as you’re going to find. She’s got it all, the aggressive and deliberate effort to be as unattractive as possible, the big Look At Me Glasses, and the hectoring nag directly at the camera.
Karen—let’s call her that—is very disappointed with Time Magazine.
“In a year when we had Taylor Swift, Kamala Harris, and Gisele Pichot, you chose the most repugnant vile human being to ever walk the earth as your person of the year,” quoth the Karen.
The most? The absolute most, Karen? Even worse than the man who actually killed 6 million Jews?
Let’s see if X/Twitter agrees.