Are Daily Arson Attacks on Tesla Just More “New Normal”?
During the alleged pandemic, people began using the term “new normal” as if that phrase was itself normal and unremarkable.
Millions of us watched as the people we thought we knew—our spouses, parents, children—immediately buckled under to a world none of us signed up for. Governor issues an illegal order telling state residents they can’t walk outside on the street with someone who doesn’t live with them? No protest, just a shrug and “new normal.”
The president gets on television and vocally yells at people who refuse experimental vaccines, saying his patience is wearing out with Americans? Shrug and “new normal.”
The phrase “new normal” struck fear in those of us who were paying attention to what was going on. We knew that this signaled docility and compliance among our countrymen. We correctly predicted that the majority of Americans would forgo their constitutional rights, and they’d tattle on their own family members who broke any “new normal” decree.
We’re still living in new normal, and the definition is expanding. New normal now includes leftist violence and property destruction any time the hard left doesn’t like a person or policy. Violent “activists” learned during the BLM riots of 2020 that they could, in fact, get away with burning buildings, assaulting police, and taking over entire sections of a city. No one was going to do a damned thing.
It’s no surprise, then, that deranged leftists have been targeting Tesla car dealerships around the country for vandalism and arson. Our soft-on-crime-when-it’s-lefties policies under Joe Biden have emboldened radicals. On March 18 as-yet-unapprehended vandals set fire to multiple models at a Tesla dealership in Las Vegas. Police say they threw molotov cocktails in what law enforcement described as a “targeted attack.” This is just the latest in a series of arson and vandalism attacks at Tesla dealerships. Why? Because leftist radicals hate the owner of Tesla, Elon Musk.
And in new normal times, if you hate someone enough, you’re allowed to hurt them or destroy their property. Seriously, readers: It’s not normal to see “another attack on a car dealership” in the news every single day.
Collin Rugg broke the news on X/Twitter, including video of the burning cars:
Social media users are wise to what’s going on:
Isn’t it weird how leftists say they love “clean, green” energy, and yet they target the biggest maker of electric cars?
Some offered ideas for a just response to the vandalism: