Cat-eating Haitians in Small Town America, Courtesy of Joe Biden

The town of Springfield, Illinois, has been inundated with so many “immigrants” from Haiti in recent years the population has swelled by one third. Haiti is, of course, a third-world country and a failed state. Successive corrupt governments and lack of infrastructure and education mean that Haitians live a hardscrabble life, and the kinds of values one develops living hand to mouth don’t fit in well with those you find in ordinary American midwestern towns. 

The U.S. has granted Haitians a special protected status that lets them stay in the U.S. because conditions in their country are so poor. But there is no such special protected status for American citizens who say their communities simply cannot absorb (in this case, 20,000 Haitians poured into Springfield, a town of 60,000) that many foreigners without life breaking down. 

Now, the fight is on between people in Springfield and the Democrats and the media. Some in Springfield are claiming that some of the Haitians are killing and eating house cats as well as decapitating ducks at city parks to take home and eat. There’s a video circulating that purports to show a Haitian woman being arrested after killing and eating a cat. There’s another video of a local man complaining to city government that the Haitians are going down to parks and killing ducks for food. 

So, we have actual residents on camera telling public officials this is going on, but media from the New York Times on down to the local level is all pretending that it’s not real. They’re coming right out and saying it, calling these claims “racist,” or suggesting that it’s just something cooked up by right wingers and capitalized on by Donald Trump

But regardless of whether the claims about cats and ducks are true, Springfield really has been overrun by third-world refugees. Why? Author John LeFevre discussed this on Twitter/X:

Figures, doesn’t it? I’m sure we’ll be told soon by some Paper of Record that these 320,000 people don’t actually exist, and if they do, anyway, it’s a good thing. 

Here’s what Twitter/X users had to say in response:

This one has a good point:

This is what burns so many people up; their own government paid for by local tax dollars is on the side of foreigners, and makes sure to do PR for them by calling them “legal.”

Yep, it looks this way:

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