AOC Glitches Out: Keeping Men Out of Women’s Bathrooms is “Endangering Women”

It’s going to take some time for the liberal tears to dry up after the resounding victory of conservative politics on November 5. Not only did Donald Trump win the presidency, but Republicans kept the Senate, took the House, and the Supreme Court has a conservative majority. 

As the kids say (are they still saying this?), the situation has left Democrats with “big feels.” Not used to being told no, they’re throwing tantrums on MSNBC where the hosts can’t seem to control their emotions long enough to deliver a newscast without twitching. Some of the staff there are telling themselves fibs to get through it, like Chris Hayes. Hayes is very unhappy that the majority of Americans went for MAGA, so he’s written an article about how reality never happened. 

Yes, Chris, voters do want a MAGA makeover, and they’re going to get one. “Narrow win?” What’s next-accusations that Republicans have small genitalia? 

That MAGA makeover is starting up in the Capitol Building itself. The most recent dustup is over men using women’s bathrooms. Enter “Sarah” (formerly Tim) McBride, an oily gay man who put on a dress and calls himself a woman. McBride was just elected to the House of Representatives from Delaware, leading to a gush of articles about the “first transgender representative!” With any luck, we’ll soon be hearing about the last of that. 

Republican Rep. Nancy Mace isn’t having any of it. As any person of common sense would have said a mere 10 years ago, Mace stated that men have no place in women’s bathrooms, and she expects Congress to make sure that transvestites like McBride go to the men’s room where they belong. They are, after all, men. 

Liberal media are calling Mace’s statement a “cynical transphobic attack,” of course. 

Too bad. The lunatic fringe lost this one. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, after initially wimping out when questioned about whether he’d keep men out of the ladies’ room, announced that bathrooms in the Capitol are to be sorted by biological sex. You know, like always was until the West lost its everloving mind in the 20-teens and decided that sex was something you could put on like lipstick. 

Our Lady of Histrionics, NY Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, got out her big doe eyes and went full hysterical. She called Mace dangerous, and said this:

“They’re endangering women. They’re endangering girls of all kinds. And everybody should reject it. It’s gross.”

That’s right. Republicans are “endangering women” by protecting them from men in their bathrooms. Oh also, AOC? There is only one kind of girl—the female kind. And Tim McBride is not female. 

She also went on to complain that “They’re doing this so that Nancy Mace can make a buck and send a text and fundraise off an email. They’re not doing this to protect people,” as if this hasn’t been a stance taken by most Republicans since the trans issue became an issue.

AOC also claimed that Republicans want a world where every woman’s genitals are inspected upon entering the bathroom, despite this never having happened anywhere that trans bathroom “bans” exist.

Let’s see what X users had to say. 

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