Is Kamala Harris’ Obsession With Equity Communistic?

Kamala Harris has previously been described as one of America’s most left-wing politicians.

For sure, some websites may delete previous claims about that, but the internet reveals a very pro-left standpoint by the Democrat’s presidential nominee.

A recently published video montage tells the tale:

Harris has an obsession with equity over equality. In her own words, “Equality suggests often that everybody should get the same thing. Well, that often assumes everybody started out in the same place. [That’s] opposed to equity, which is [where] everybody should end up in the same place.”

As Vice President, Harris has previously stated that equity “should be put firmly at the center of our economic policy.”

Of course, you can’t have DEI without “equity”, so it’s perhaps no surprise that the Democrat is obsessed with the term.

The trouble with equity is that while it may sound promising in principle, it ultimately involves a system where some people – through no fault of their own – are derived of opportunities more than others. It is a fantasist concept, where everyone ends up “in the same place”.

In other words, it’s communistic.

Unfortunately, the mainstream media seldom reports it.

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