More Young Men Are Leaving The Democrats Than Ever Before

Young men are dramatically fleeing the Democrat Party, according to new data from the Survey Center on American Life.

An infographic with the data was shared on social media by X user @eyelasho. Ranging from 2016 to 2023, the data shows a 12 percentage point drop in the men aged 18 to 29 who identify with or lean towards the Democrats.

In 2016, more than half of young men surveyed said they were Democrats. This figure saw a gradual decline during Donald Trump’s first presidency, rising back up to 47% in the year Joe Biden won the presidential election.

However, under Biden, the number of young, male Democrats has fallen substantially by eight percentage points to 39%. Intriguingly, half of this decline occurred between 2022 and 2023.

The data prompted debate among commenters on social media, with many presenting their own ideas for the flight to the right.

One user suggested the Democrats had “two pillars”, namely identity politics and abortion. He implied that young men would be further incentivized by the Republican Party if it reduced its emphasis on the latter issue.

Identity politics was a recurring theme as to why young men may be put off by the Democrats.

Another user suggested that the actual figure of those leaving the Democrats could possibly be higher.

It’s not just America where young men are becoming more conservative than young women. Similar splits have been seen in the U.K., Germany, and South Korea.

Why do you think young men are becoming more conservative? Let us know in the comments.

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