Far-Left Judge Urges Against Politicizing Murder Of 12-Year-Old at Hands of Illegal Aliens Moments After Politicizing It to Slam Republicans

Lina Hidalgo, the Democrat Judge of Harris County, TX, has been slammed for politicizing the killing of a 12-year-old girl allegedly at the hands of illegal aliens, just moments before calling on others NOT to politicize her death.

Jocelyn Nungray was killed in North Houston, TX, on the evening of Sunday, June 16, in a brutal attack in which she was also sexually assaulted.

Two men – 22-year-old Johan José Martínez-Rangel and 26-year-old Franklin José Peña Ramos – have been charged with capital murder of the 12-year-old. Both are believed to be illegal immigrants – a term which still triggers the left.

At a press conference, Judge Hidalgo said “evil happens regardless of immigration status” while urging fellow politicians not to politicize the barbaric attack. She then preceded to criticize Congressional Republicans and former president Donald Trump for the conditions that led to Nungray’s death.

After claiming “Trump won’t let” President Joe Biden and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell “move forward” with a bipartisan immigration bill, Judge Hidalgo came under criticism from reporters who called out her obvious hypocrisy.

“With all due respect Judge, you said the issue shouldn’t be politicized. But by pointing the finger at President Trump and Republicans in Congress, aren’t you politicizing it?” one asked.

“I think I answered the question,” responded Hidalgo, who was pressed again on the apparent hypocrisy but refused to develop her response. Sure enough, it was picked up on by online commenters.

Many were skeptical over her capability as a judge in the third-most populous county in the United States.

Her hypocritical pleas also encouraged others to share their views on the administration’s immigration policy.

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