World Health Organization: Still Trying to Scare You With Monkeypox

You could be forgiven for thinking the World Health Organization is getting its jollies writing fantasy scripts for sci-fi pandemic movies it hopes to make. What else explains this global octopus’s obsession with inflating rare diseases into The Next Big Thing That’s Going to Kill You? Apparently they didn’t eat enough at the years-long buffet that was the alleged respiratory pandemic. 

So the WHO is having a Grand Re-Opening for Monkeypox. Excuse me, “Mpox,” because someone decided it was racist to use the word “monkey.” Yes, really. 

What’s that, you say? Why, don’t you remember when Monkeypox terrorized the entire world in 2022? Of course not, because it didn’t, but not for lack of trying on the part of the WHO and a salivating media. 

Remember those pictures of gay men in American cities lining up around the block to get the vaccine for it? Gee, I wonder why.

Here’s the deal: you don’t have to worry about Monkeypox unless you’re a prostitute or particularly promiscuous. The disease causes blisters and sores, sometimes in sensitive areas, and makes people feel pretty crummy. But according to the WHO itself, most cases resolve on their own, and only a small number of people will die. In the Western world with modern medicine the death rate is negligible. 

But you wouldn’t know it from the breathless social media releases put out by what looks like a Dollar Store Version of the Justice League. From prolific X user Collin Rugg:

They’re SAVING LIVES, see? Let’s all get our pots and kettles out for nighttime appreciative banging like the Brits did for the NHS in 2020.

Let’s see what Twitter/X users think. 

This one cracked us up. 

We here at Wokespy are with Saltygoat:

What say you, readers? 

1 thought on “World Health Organization: Still Trying to Scare You With Monkeypox”

  1. I am hetero-married, monogamy-loving, straight male. I will never travel out of the USA or Canada.
    So, what mpox “Ģlobal health emergency” should I fear?
    My belief is the WHO. They are the disease. It’s another UN organization that thrives, is funded, on fear.
    With Covid, they shot their wad. A flu with with a survivability rate of 99+% for the healthy.
    Count me out of mpox.

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