Woman Reduced To Tears After Nurse Says Masks Are “Irrelevant”

A TikTok video of a woman breaking down into tears after being told that face masks were “irrelevant” has gone viral online.

The clip features an initially masked hospital patient discussing her recent trip to a clinic in Washington state. In the two-minute anecdote, the woman notes how she was given an extra face mask on leaving the hospital.

After she thanked the nurse for providing an extra mask, she was reportedly told “we could use less of them” by practitioners at the clinic, who also said they “were pointless”.

Despite the patient’s disbelief that masks were not required in an oncology and hematology infusion center, the nurse and three colleagues reiterated that masks had not been worn prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The woman, who said she was “not an oncology patient” but is “immunocompromised”, added she was “so floored” by the conversation before breaking down into tears (watch below):

When the clip made it to social media platform X, users noted how individual beliefs over the effectiveness of masks were largely dictated by mainstream media outlets.

One commenter praised the nurses from the clip.

For some, the TikTok video brought back dark memories of mask mandates during the pandemic.

The effectiveness of masks has long been disputed. In some instances, interpretation of studies and misinformation has prompted media outlets to overreport their usefulness, while their introduction alongside other preventative measures has boosted the true effectiveness of face coverings.

What’s your views on masks? Did you wear one throughout the pandemic? Let us know in the comments.

14 thoughts on “Woman Reduced To Tears After Nurse Says Masks Are “Irrelevant””

  1. Did II wear one throughout the pandemic? Where have you folks been? They were mandated in New York State – where I live – and if you did not wear one you could not have eye surgery, enter stores, schools, hospitals or retirement homes without being removed. We had had no choice although all along I knew they were worthless and it was all a power play mainly by Fauci and company (they knew they were worthless too). He should be in prison along with Cuomo and others.

  2. I started wearing masks initially – until I did my own research and realized how small viruses are compared to the filtering capabilities of masks whether they are cloth, paper, or N95 (or their variants). We had lots of restrictions, even in conservative Central Oregon so knowing that, I picked up a black mask that was nothing more than a wide mesh – you could see through it – and wore it when I knew I couldn’t get away with no mask. It was SO stupidly humorous as even CLINICS let me in (and commercial flights) with this parody of a mask on. That is when I knew 100% it was about CONTROL – not safety – and stopped wearing ANY mask at all. (late 2021) I also cancelled my Medicare as I realized then I could no longer trust those so-called “health professionals”, so why fork over $4000/yr for nothing?

    I got a special satisfaction shocking all the Liberal Mask-nazis who wore them on beaches, walking in parks, even driving their cars while masked up. Even though I was 68 – I am a pretty big and fit guy so was always prepared for someone to do something stupid and made sure I looked everyone in the eye and watched my back. Oh, and I had my concealed carry permit so carried everwhere (as I do today).

  3. I underwent a bone marrow transplant in 1993 at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle, the largest and most successful bone marrow transplant center in the world. I was shocked that nobody wore masks. I inquired. I was told that Fred Hutch studied masks and found them counterproductive because built up moisture on masks from breathing attracts germs. What was emphasized was hand washing. Nobody could enter my room without first washing hands.

    1. Handwashing was the tactic that was pushed before it became politicized by the Government-Pharma Complex… before all of the frontline doctors were gaslit into buying Big Pharma’s “vax only” strategy for combatting an airborne virus. No emphasis on natural immunity, or theraputics–vax only. People were played, and people need to be held accountable. And made to sufficiently atone.

  4. I wore the stupid things only when forced to by idiot Democrats. Anyone with common sense knew they provided no real protection against a virus.

  5. As a nurse, AND on the front lines, I argued this till I was blue in the face. Masks should NOT be worn except in certain cases and this is not one of them. Good handwashing is the best thing you can do. Rarely is there a need for even N95 masks. We use them for active TB patients in a negative air pressure hospital room, since TB is highly contagious and also airborne, to protect ourselves from being infected by the patient. Regarding the Covid virus, only an N95 would protect against airborne particles. I am really sick and tired of people who try to turn everything into a personal attack… “I dont matter”??? seriously? These are facts, so quit making everything so damned personal. As a nurse, who has worked everywhere from trauma, ER, OR, to every specialty out there, including being a highly trained and certified wound nurse who also deals with infectious diseases, facts care nothing for your feelings. Just because you heard it on the news.. fake news.. dont project your feelings on others and call them heartless or state that we dont care about you.
    Personally, if you want to wear a mask, wear one, doesnt bother me in the least, nor would it bother any other nurse I know. On that note, if you are that stressed about it and wear your own mask, then in your theory, you should be protected. It shouldnt matter if I dont, cause you are. Heck, if you want to wear 10 masks (for more protection of course, lol) do that, I’ll even give them to you.
    Point being, facts are facts, and others have NO right to impose their feelings onto others who do not give into the hype. Trust me, if we didnt care, we wouldnt be taking care of people like you who want to call us heartless… as nurses, we know how to protect ourselves from the dangers that virus’s and bacteria can cause. Honestly, people should take what the healthcare workers are doing for protection to heart. If we are not concerned, others should definitely not be concerned either.
    If you want to get really technical, if you really are an immunocompromised person, and your doctors states you need to be extra cautious, then YOU SHOULD be protecting yourself in public by wearing an N95 mask… sorry to tell you, but a regular mask WILL NOT protect you from what you believe it does. So get educated and quit projecting.

    1. Unfortunately, she’s established that she’s already willing to disregard somebody with formal nursing training and practice, because that allows her to preserve her existing biases and conditioning. Educated and experienced people like you need to bully people like Mask Girl there. Sadly, that might be the only way they ever learn.

  6. Being told that something is not medically necessary and internalizing that as “you’re telling me I don’t matter?!” is a clear case of vulnerable narcissism. Another well known trait of vulnerable narcissism is the inability to admit you were wrong because the shame of being wrong is a feeling too intense for them cope with.

    That’s the case with all these people still clinging to the draconian mask nonsense. Some get off on the power trip of waging their finger, others are incapable of accepting the fact they got tricked, fell for propaganda, and were just wrong (coupled with the fact their ideological enemies were right the whole time).

    As a society we let all the most incompetent narcissists and neurotic, hysterical, cowards hijack the entire system and the eventually got off on the power trip. Some say forgive and forget. Not me. I say weaponize their feelings and emotions against them and publicly shame them at every opportunity..:. So that the next time this happens they stay in their lane and keep their yaps shut.

  7. Obviously masks make a difference.
    Just look at the low Covid rates in the far left areas where they were so militant about wearing them.

    As we have always known mask are only effective for droplet transmission but nothing for aerosolized viruses.

  8. yep previous studies on flu and other virus showed that not only were masks irrelevant as protection, they increased bacterial load on the mask’s inner side and made it harder to breathe. I wore a mask where it was required to get in the store or dr office, etc. Where I could get away with it I used a bandanna that met the “rules” but at least allowed me to breathe. I ditched masks whenever possible. Google, et al censored the MANY scientific study reports that clearly stated that masks were not useful.

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