White And Asian Americans Excluded From Apple’s Entrepreneur Camp

Technological giant Apple has announced its new Entrepreneur Camp for young, aspiring developers to gain life-changing experience at its headquarters in Cupertino, CA.

However, there’s a problem – Whites and Asians need not apply.

White and Asian Americans are excluded from the program, which is tailored to “underrepresented” communities only.

“Apple Entrepreneur Camp is designed for established app-driven businesses that are ready to join our exclusive technology lab and actively engage with our alumni community,” reads the application description.

While developers are welcomed from across the globe, any start-up founders wishing to apply must be Black, Hispanic/Latinx, or Indigenous. CEOs and co-founders also qualify.

There is also a female founder in-person programming camp, although applicants are not subject to the same ethnicity requirements.

A few commenters on social media questioned the legality of Apple’s actions.

Others described the eligibility criteria as racist.

What’s your view on the controversy? Be sure to let us know in the comments below.

6 thoughts on “White And Asian Americans Excluded From Apple’s Entrepreneur Camp”

    1. I like to identify as a Pacific Islander due to the fact I was born in Hawaii My ancestors were all irish. hehehehe

  1. That’s because the other two grps have the combined IQ of bean dip and whites and asians run them over in business and innovation. The best should rise to the top. Not a corp Doo-Doo that had to get special consideration because they just be tooo stupid to get it done by themselves.

  2. Except a load of men that identify as women can take all the female spots and no real women will be allowed. This is bulls**t and a joke. F-ing leftist turds.

  3. The solution is so simple – every male in the country needs to start identifying as trans. It’s a classification that only exists in the minds of folks who don’t understand the simple findings of Mendel – there are no genetic markers so just say “prove I’m not” when questioned. If every male would do it, there would be no stigma attached and everyone would be back on an even playing field. Problem solved.

  4. I am Jewish. My ancestors were slaves in Egypt 3,300 years ago. Egypt is in Africa. That makes me an African-American.

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