Trump Ad Features Scene from Full Metal Jacket: Libs on Fainting Couch

It’s hard to know just what to laugh at when it comes to the U.S. military–there are too many choices. What’s funnier, the woke ads featuring fat angry gender-confused non-binaries, or the reaction from the left when people notice the ads? Because boy, is the left very, very angry that not everyone believes that overweight women in their 20s who have a “gender” and a mental diagnosis are going to be able to keep the United States secure. 

Did you see this one? Just look at it. 

This is from a news show on CBN, the Christian Broadcasting Network. They’ve rounded up some of the “best” recruitment ads from recent years. Click here to jump to the one featuring a woman using little-baby-girl voice to tell everyone how special and important her “journey” is. See, she has two lesbian moms, and she’s been a “freedom fighter” for LGBT equality since she was a little girl. Bonus points if you make it all the way through before her affected cutesy voice causes you to launch a brick through the screen. 

Or how about this one? This Army recruitment ad is obviously aimed at Gen Z because it talks to them in the developmentally disabled tone they respond to. As the camera focuses on the close-up faces of young people (gotta appeal to that personal narcissism; esprit de corps is so out of fashion), they transform into bland computer-generated cartoon characters. 

Today’s U.S. Military cannot do its job. It can’t focus on protecting the nation because President Joe Biden is more concerned with forcing the service branches to pay for the sex-change surgeries that mentally ill “trans” service members call “lifesaving.” How the removal of genitals or the bolting-on of plastic breasts saves lives is not made clear. 

The Trump campaign knows this, and it’s banking on this ad to appeal to traditional, masculine (and necessary) notions of military bravery and hard-assery. He showed it at an October 9 rally – and has been showing it at all subsequent rallies since. It uses footage from Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece Full Metal Jacket to contrast a traditional drill sergeant with the prancing drag queens who put up videos of them dancing lasciviously while making reference to their status as service members. 

Give it a watch yourself – the audiences have been loving it:

Kubrick’s daughter, Vivian Kubrick, loves it. She said that even though her father’s movie had an anti-war message, it’s the perfect film to use because Trump himself is anti-war. But he knows the necessity of having a tough and manly military to keep the peace, Vivian Kubrick said, and her father would have voted for Trump. “Because I’m sure the irony of using FMJ footage is not lost on Trump or his team – Trump is always seeking to end wars and use peaceful methods. However, that’s primarily what FMJ is about, the shocking and complicated paradoxes of human nature,” she wrote in a lengthy post defending the video.

Let’s see what X (Twitter) users had to say. 

There’s always one pantywaist, though. 

Actually, there was more than one. Some sissy liberals are extremely unhappy and would like to complain to the manager. 

Lovely people, too. 

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