This Was the Craziest Moment of the DNC – And Few Have Seen It

Throughout the election campaign, the Democratic Party’s commitment to democracy has been questioned as to whether it truly stretches beyond the party name.

In the past month alone, the Democrats have selected a presidential candidate who failed to win a single primary, while also reportedly fighting to keep Donald Trump-endorser Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the ballot in key swing states – and fighting to keep off far-left third-party candidate Cornel West.

However, under-the-radar footage from the Democratic National Convention suggested the party’s loyalists’ true attitude towards democracy.

Kelley Robinson – the first “queer, Black, female” president of the leftist Human Rights Campaign – showed her true colors on the DNC’s “LGBTQ+ Kickoff” on Monday, August 19. She’s also a Harris surrogate.

“We can’t just worry about protecting democracy. In this moment, we’ve got to reimagine it with people that look and love like us at the center,” Robinson said in one of the many references to Trump that week. “And I think for us right now is about reimaging freedom and this American story in a way that is more revolutionary than what our founders actually put down on that little piece of paper, but instead is the type of democracy that is by and for all of the people in this country. That’s the opportunity that we have.”

“That little piece of paper”, as she called it, is the Constitution.

Many thought Robinson’s comments alluded to communism.

Her reference to the Constitution did not go unnoticed either.

And this is hardly the first time she’s made headlines. Last year, she went viral for not being able to answer the question of if there’s a difference between men and women during a congressional hearing.

3 thoughts on “This Was the Craziest Moment of the DNC – And Few Have Seen It”

  1. Inside every liberal is a hypocritical, violent psychopathic authoritarian trying to get out.

    They are peaceful,, tolerant and inclusive as long as you agree with them.

    If you don’t, they will gleefully grind out into dust all the while shouting at the top of their lungs how peaceful they are.

    1. They will gleefully grind into dust exactly like Kelley Robinson did when Ted Cruz was asking her the simplest of questions.
      These people are used to being coddled by the MSM, which you & I know are what keeps these people in power by convincing as much of the public that what they say & do are True and their policies are compassionate. The MSM plays on peoples emotions where the Truth, Facts & Data don’t exist and are not wanted anyway.

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