The 2024 Democratic National Convention has prompted the party to return to its roots and reintroduce segregated caucus meetings.
Kicking off the DNC are meetings with caucuses for five separate non-White groups. These include caucuses for Democrats who are Black, Hispanic, AAPI (Asian American and Pacific Islander), Native American, and “Ethnic.” Surely by 2028 there will be some new racial identities added to the list.

Wouldn’t it be simply to just have an “everyone except white people” caucus at this point? Because that is effecively want they want.
Historically, Southern Democrats maintained a strong foothold over the national party’s policy towards segregation. The South often saw mandated segregation through law, while Northern states typically held a de facto system, particularly in schools, where races were divided despite the absence of legislation requiring a segregated system.
While there’s likely a reasoning for today’s DNC holding different caucuses for different voters, the optics for a party which claims to be progressive only portray a deep sense of irony.

It may also send a conflicting message to moderate voters.