
Car Manufacturer Jaguar Announces Rebrand… Without A Single Car In It

Has no one learned anything from the Bud Lite debacle?

British car manufacturer Jaguar has announced an enormous rebrand in a video… which doesn’t feature any cars in it.

Instead, the colorful video features flamboyant actors and a clunky new logo. It was so popular, in fact, that more than 40,000 people have replied to it so far… nearly all of which are negative.

Captioned “Copy nothing”, the video encourages viewers to “create exuberant,” “live vivid”, “delete ordinary” and “break moulds”. It concludes with the company’s new logo, which no longer features a jaguar.

Give it a watch below – but be warned, you’re going to be wondering what exactly the hell you just watched.

Without the Jaguar brand being mentioned, who in the world would imagine this was a car ad?

Ironically, Jaguar, which says to “copy nothing,” is simply coping the same exact kind of bizarre woke marketing that’s been done a hundred times over (and is seeing blowback). Even something as simple as them removing the jaguar from their (previously) iconic logo and making it simply text is a corporate fad they’re copying:

And so common has woke marketing become that this type of marketing strategy was brilliantly satirized by the cartoonist “Stonetoss” years ago – and is seemingly still applicable on a daily basis. How many corporate ads nowadays leave us wondering who exactly the target demo is?

The lack of a car in the video bemused Tesla Motors owner Elon Musk.

Jaguar responded to his post, along with many others.

In response to one user calling the video “a joke”, Jaguar replied that it was a “pivotal moment”.

It also responded with cryptic messages, some of which were not even related to the feedback from customers.

In the end, the company appeared to give up after one commentor noted the joy, or lack thereof, in the actors’ faces.

The company is expected to become electric-only in 2026, which perhaps spurred the controversial rebrand.