Outrage As German Woman Convicted Of “Hate” Messages Receives Longer Prison Sentence Than “Migrant” Gang-Rapists She Insulted
A German woman who sent abusive WhatsApp messages to a convicted gang-rapist has been jailed for longer than eight of those convicted for a heinous attack on a 15-year-old girl in Hamburg.

The man was one of nine who were found guilty of raping the girl in the city park in 2020. Eight were put on probation, while a ninth, reportedly a 19-year-old, was sentenced to over two-and-a-half years in a youth prison.
When the leniency of the punishments sparked outrage across Germany, the 20-year-old woman sent one of the attackers messages on WhatsApp, calling him a ‘dishonorable rapist pig’ and a ‘disgusting freak’.
The woman, who was sentenced to 48 hours in a juvenile detention facility, is one of 140 being investigated for ‘hate’ speech, according to the Hamburger Abendblatt.
The two-day sentence is longer than what eight of the nine attackers received for their heinous crime, all of whom were found guilty due to DNA evidence.
While the identities of the attackers has not been released by German authorities (we all know what that means), a number of the men reportedly were from migrant backgrounds.
Reaction from American social media users matched the disgust among Germans.

Others were critical of the German justice system, with multiple users accusing it of “failing” German citizens and women.

The outrage comes just weeks after the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party saw record-breaking successes in the recent European Parliament elections. The party has been labelled “far-right” by mainstream media outlets for some of their policies and their stance against immigration.