The Woke Eats Their Own: Far-Left Loonies Attack Alec Baldwin in Far-Left NYC
What could possibly make someone want to buy Alec Baldwin a beer out of sympathy? If you guessed a far left activist, then you would be correct!
A woke political activist (If she can even be called an activist) lovingly known as “Crackhead Barney” confronted Baldwin yesterday about his perceived inaction on Palestine, as well as the current trial for the shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. It went about as well as you might expect, she only could repeat far left talking points until getting mad she wasn’t getting what she wanted.
The activist launches into a tirade begging him “Just say free Palestine one time.” Shortly before being punched by Baldwin she says “Fuck Israel, Fuck Zionism. Please just say it one time!”.
She was lucky he wasn’t armed.
If things seemed like they couldn’t get any weirder, well we just have to look at her previous social media history to find out.
Does this count as her in white face?
What might leave you even more speechless is people coming to her defense on X/Twitter.
If this is what the left views as questioning, maybe someone should start confronting Ilhan Omar and Al-Jazeera in the same manner.