Shocking Video Claims 14% Of Swing State Voters Are Non-Citizens

Allegations of non-citizens being registered to vote have been shared on social media by the Oversight Project in an eye-opening investigation.

The footage shows a staggering 14% of non-citizens admitting they were registered in Georgia – a supposed swing state in the race for the White House:

The Oversight Project reposted the video with additional statistics. Of the estimated 339,000 non-citizens living in Georgia, 14% would indicate 47,000 are illegally registered to vote. By contrast, President Joe Biden won the state in 2020 by less than 12,000. And remember, the estimates of the illegal alien population are almost certainly underestimates.

“We attempted to locate these individuals on GA voter rolls and were unable to find them,” the Oversight Project wrote on social media. “Non-citizens have shoddy address history records and often use fake documents and names. It is unclear exactly what information these individuals gave when registering to vote.”

“One thing is for certain: Systems are being taken advantage of, and the outcome of the 2024 election will be difficult to determine given the near impossibility of auditing in a short period of time.”

The project added that it would refer the matter to election officials in Georgia and would be “more than happy to cooperate with a law enforcement investigation.”

Social media users were outraged by the footage.

Another user feared the number of illegally registered voters may be higher.

The video comes amid claims that the Democratic Party are permitting large numbers across the border to boost its electoral success in November.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said the state “aggressively investigates specific claims of voter fraud” and would welcome any evidenced-based claims submitted.

1 thought on “Shocking Video Claims 14% Of Swing State Voters Are Non-Citizens”

  1. Caledon Hockley

    The evil scumbags on the left will not be able to steal another election and sustain it, as it would be a pyrrhic victory. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me and the evil forces surrounding Willlie Brown’s Ex are ultimately going to fail. Evil always loses, as it has occurred throughout the course of history.

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