“Sex and the City” Actress: Every Kid I Know is Trans!

Hollywood has always been a fantasy land that looks different from the street than it looks once you go inside. The town was quite literally built on fantasy, in the middle of an inhospitable desert, with false fronts that put a glamorous facade on flimsy buildings.

There was never a time in the entertainment world where everyone in it had upstanding morals and comported themselves decently. Fame beckons the damaged and empty who long for an identity to lift them up out of the neglect or abuse that shaped their childhoods. It has ever been thus, so it isn’t really any surprise to find out that famous actors have dubious morals and even stranger political opinions. 

There’s a reason that studio bosses in the golden age of Hollywood inserted moral turpitude clauses in the contracts of their stars. They knew what the talent was likely to get up to, and many a frantic phone call was placed to gossip columnists (with express or implied bribery) to keep their actors out of the papers when they were caught slumming in gay clubs, for example.

Not anymore, but worse—the very kinds of scandalous behavior that used to get starlets kicked off the lot at Metro Goldwyn Mayer now gets them positive front page news, and scads of adoring fans. Kanye West’s wife, Bianca Censori, may be getting plastered with ridicule for showing up to the Grammys naked, but the point is that our culture has fallen so far that she felt comfortable doing it in the first place. 

Sex and the City  actress Cynthia Nixon is your typical Hollywood leftist, parading her sexuality in public and signing on to every liberal trend and fad while portraying herself as some sort of savior. This week, she’s standing up for the right of parents and hospitals to poison their children through what we euphemistically call “gender-affirming care.” In plain terms, this is the chemical sterilization of alleged “trans” kids, followed by mutilating breast and genital surgery. How much lower can our culture go? 

President Donald Trump has said “no more” to this extraordinary child abuse. His recent executive order bans the federal government from funding or participating in “child transition,” and makes it clear to hospitals and medical centers that they had better lawyer up because the lucrative butchery is over. 

Now comes actress Nixon, protesting outside a hospital that has recently cancelled appointments to give minor children “puberty blockers.” Ever the narcissist, Nixon declares to the crowd that she is the “mother of a proud trans man.” In reality, she has a daughter who now masquerades as a man. But that’s not all. Nixon claims to be surrounded by “trans kids.” “My kids are trans, my sisters kids are trans, every kid I know is trans,” Nixon says. 

Here’s Nixon beaming next to her daughter after the girl had a double mastectomy to “become a man.”

As Scarlett Johnson asks: what are the odds? 

It’s literal madness. As Elon Musk himself responded, it’s a “mind virus.”

Most of the rest of the responses seem to come from normal, sane people, too. 

“Patriotic Penguin” has the right of it. We’re betting on the second option. 

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