Putin Issues Nuclear Warning to the West

Russian President Vladimir Putin has dangerously played with the threats of nuclear warfare since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022. Putin has attempted to strike fear in the hearts of his oppressors by threatening nuclear actions if any NATO countries were to support Ukraine during their battle with Russia in any way, which the U.S. has. However, it seems that the Russian President is back again with more catastrophic threats after announcing his country would be ramping up its nuclear weapons supply.

On Thursday, Vladimir Putin met with graduates of Russia’s military universities at the Kremlin, in which he addressed university students on matters related to Russia’s military capabilities and their “potential” cooperation with NATO, which may seem unbelievable to others in and outside of Russia. Putin also seemed characteristic of the narrative Russia has placed on the West over the past two years, according to Ria Novosti, which is a Russian state-owned news outlet. Putin’s address at the Kremlin started by congratulating the students on their study completion. Following this, the Russian President also took the opportunity to speak on national security in Russia, in which Putin claimed to further develop Russia’s nuclear triad to guarantee “strategic deterrence” and maintain power in the world.

Russia’s nuclear triad in question is a three-part military capability that consists of ballistic missiles that can reach intercontinental distances, submarine-based ballistic missiles, and a bomber aircraft that is capable of carrying nuclear bombs and ballistic missiles. Russia is one of four nations that are confirmed to possess nuclear triads, including the United States, China, and India. In May, the U.S. announced that it was upgrading its nuclear triad, with newly released photos of B-21 stealth bombers conducting test flights.

Although Putin seemed more lenient than usual in his stance towards NATO and the West, the Russian President issued a statement earlier in June stating that the announcement should “not be taken lightly”.

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