Obama Affects Ghetto Accent to Insult Black Men Over Lack of Kam-Kam Enthusiasm

“Racism” and “misogyny” are funny things these days. We’re told by the left that they go on everywhere all the time. Criticize a black person for bad or criminal behavior? Racist. Notice black on black crime? Racist. Criticize women for lying and  making up stories about rape and harassment for personal gain? Misogynist. Prefer a male candidate to a female candidate for office because you like his policies better? Misogynist. 

You’ll notice the emotional inflation of small, or perceived, or non-existent, slights into alarm-clanging “hate.” Whereas 15 years ago you might have heard people discuss sexist policies in an office, those same policies today are “misogyny.” Same with race. It’s not possible in Liberal Land to have different preferences, or to disagree with a black person or a woman, without being guilty of smoldering, dangerous “hate.”

This is a tactic used by abusive and manipulative people—they’re the ones actually mistreating others—to get a leg up on others who have done nothing wrong but to disagree with them. 

What’s bizarre is how far they will go to insist that “racism” or “misogyny” explains everything and anything. Take the case of conservative black politician Larry Elder, who ran in an unsuccessful recall campaign against California liberal governor Gavin Newsom in 2021. So enraged was the leftist political class that a columnist at the Los Angeles Times called Elder (remember, he’s black) “the black face of white supremacy” who was “hurting Californians.”

It is astonishing that a mainstream leading newspaper would allow or publish such an extreme and near-libelous column, but it’s even more astonishing that three years later, it’s still proudly published. 

But we’re through the looking glass entirely, so what’s coming next won’t surprise you. Barack Obama, former (and according to many, current) President of the United States, has put on his best stentorian condescension to tell fellow black men that they’re misogynists if they don’t vote for Kamala Harris. 

Check out this 1 and a half-minute video. Speaking to a group of black male voters, Obama puts on an affected “black” accent. All of a sudden, he’s from da hood. “I’m gonna speak to y’all,” he says, adding in a “speak widchoo.” While he never explicitly calls the men misogynist, the implication drips off this patronizing tongue as he lectures them for not turning out to vote for Harris. After all, he says, she’s just like them. She grew up like them. She “went to college” with them. 

The looks on their faces do not indicate that the men agree that Kamala Harris is “one of us.”

And then CNN. Contributor Scott Jennings called it like it is, tearing into Obama’s condescending treatment of a bunch of guys he’s trying to convince to vote for his gal. Jennings is right: this party actually has a problem with men, with men voting their minds. They can’t speak to men like people, because they don’t think men are fully moral humans the way women are. 

Collin Rugg comments on this on X/Twitter. 

Let’s see what the crowd had to say. 

Not going well for Barack so far. Let’s keep looking. 

Sad trombone for Obama. 

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