Modern life seems like a constant exercise in watching society and its people forget reality. Things that everyone knew yesterday are suddenly “not known.” Basic rules of fair and ethical conduct, we find, aren’t so basic after all. Take the issue of “trans.” Before about 10 years ago, no one really believed there was such a thing as “being born in the wrong body.” No one actually believed that people could change their sex by declaration, or by surgery.
Then, all of a sudden, not only did people “forget” what they knew yesterday, but they punished everyone around who reminded them of the reality that they too participated in until the winds changed. It became unspeakable to question anything “trans,” even if the surgeons were chafing at the bit to mutilate children. And now, we await a Supreme Court decision on whether the state of Tennessee has the legal right to forcibly stop surgeons and parents from permanently mutilating children’s genitals.
That’s where “forgetting” reality leads. We have to actually ask the court if it’s legal and allowed to prevent child abuse.
The issue of race is treated the same. If you’re middle-aged or older, you grew up in a world that watched, or learned about in school, the civil rights movement of the 1960s. The typical American was weaned on Martin Luther King’s insistence that the content of one’s character, not the color of one’s skin, ought to determine how one was treated in society. In short, we learned that racial discrimination was wrong.
Until we “forgot.” And we have forgotten, but only in one direction. Don’t be fooled: America in 2024 is a quite racist country, but the racism is against whites. The left has successfully shut up, scorned, and cancelled just about everyone who has the temerity to notice it, but those days look like they’re coming to an end.
It won’t end without more ludicrous tussles over basic reality, though. Take a look at what LibsofTikTok found:
The state of Minnesota is baldly practicing discrimination against aspiring white teachers by dangling financial assistance in front of students so long as they’re not white. It’s incredible. It’s unbelievably brazen. It is the very textbook definition of racism.

And it’s illegal. Federal law has long banned race-based provision of educational and employment opportunities. Everyone knows this. Until they “forgot” it conveniently when it came to white people.
Will Minnesota pay any price for this? We can only hope that the incoming Trump administration will take action. But the public is fully fed up judging from the reactions on X/Twitter.