Michael Moore Claims Trump Deporting Illegal Aliens Will Stop Cure for Cancer

Far-left activist Michael Moore has complained that America won’t be enriched with medical experts who someday may be able to cure cancer after President Donald Trump deports them back to their home countries.

In a bizarre rant on Tuesday, Moore wrote in a Substack post that Trump’s mass deportations might result in the U.S. losing someone who could find a cure for cancer or stop an asteroid from hitting the Earth. “Who’s really being removed by ICE tonight?” he wrote. “The child who would’ve discovered the cure for cancer in 2046? The 9th-grade nerd who would’ve stopped that Astroid [sic] that’s gonna hit us in 2032?”

Moore tried to substantiate his argument by using Apple CEO Steve Jobs, the son of a Syrian who migrated legally to the United States, as a so-called “example.”

He explained:

“So here we are now, in 2025, with at least 11 million ‘illegal’ migrants roaming about this hallowed land, driving on our roads, getting God-knows-how-much free welfare, free blankets, free Federal surplus cheese, free use of 9-1-1 and our public libraries while the rest of us have to work and pay taxes for all of this.

And what, pray tell, can you tell me we have received in return for Abdulfattah’s ‘little mistake’ that was deposited in that hellhole we call San Francisco, once a great place to leave your heart in that ‘city by the bay’? Nothing. We get nothing from that Syrian Muslim who sired a Jr. Abdulfattah. A nothing-migrant with a nothing-out-of-wedlock-baby.

Except… that ‘nothing-baby’ was soon adopted and given an American name — Steve Jobs. Yes, that Steve Jobs. Who, along with Steve Wozniak, is responsible for this laptop I’m writing on, the phone that’s in my pocket, the iPod shuffle that I’ve had for a decade and holds 1,000 of my favorite songs on a device that isn’t even an inch wide, my AppleTV+ on my TV across the room—easily one of our top two streamers when it comes to exceptional content.

I also just started wearing an Apple Watch that counts my steps, the beats of my heart, the number of teeth I have left, and informs me that today my blood pressure is 106/60 (it is also predicting that INCIDENT will win the Oscar this Sunday for Best Documentary Short).

I am grateful for that Muslim migrant baby being born here 70 years ago today. Because if he hadn’t, it’s possible we would have none of his inventions. We would also have no TED LASSO.”

Moore joins other Hollywood bigwigs struggling to adapt to life under Trump.

Perhaps he also feels foolish for repeatedly insisting that Kamala Harris would win on the back of a tidal wave of support from indignant women.

“The vast majority of the country, the normal people, have seen enough and want the clown car to disappear into the MAGA vortex somewhere between reality and Orlando,” Moore wrote in a Substack post shortly before the election.

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