LGBTQ “Leader” Busted for Allegedly Trying to Meet 14-Year-Old

We try for a lighthearted tone on Wokespy, but some of the things we cover just aren’t funny, and this is one of them. If you don’t know journalist Andy Ngo, we recommend you follow his work. Formerly based in Portland where he covered the destruction and violence of Antifa, Ngo had to flee the U.S. for Britain after he was nearly killed—he’s been assaulted multiple times, once leading to a brain injury. The Portland police cannot or will not protect him.

He’s brave, though, and he brings news the mainstream doesn’t want you to see, like this story of an “LGBTQ” leader caught trying to hook up with what he thought was a 14-year-old boy. Michael Knaapen led the LGBTQ Diversity Council under the auspices of the Maryland Democratic Party, that is until this news came out.

Be warned—the language in the video, which was filmed by Alex Rosen, who produces content exposing child predators, describes graphic and disturbing sexual content, with themes of violence. Details are not yet fully available, but it appears that the two men depicted in this video posed online as a teen boy in order to lure pedophiles into revealing themselves. According to what we can see, it appears Knaapen was talking to who he thought was a teen boy, and then agreed to meet “him” in the real world.

Take a watch:

It always seems to surprise people when they find that those who advertise themselves as caregivers, or as activists for a cause, turn out to be predatory. But it shouldn’t. Where else would predators go but the places and positions that give them an air of respectability, and ready access to their targets?

Knaapen described himself online as an advocate for patients and the disabled.

Wolves in sheep’s clothing have been popping up all over the LGBTQ world. There’s been a rash of stories recently about schools and libraries naively mounting “drag queen story hour” presentations without adequately vetting the presenters. Then surprise, surprise, the “queens” turn out to be sex offenders. The Houston Public Library admitted to hosting “Tatiana Mala Nina” (mala nina means “bad girl”), a convicted pedophile.

The public is getting fed up with it, judging from the reaction on Twitter/X.

They’re also noticing how it’s so often leftists and Democrats caught up in this sexual improprieties.

Patrick wonders if anyone with the Maryland Democrats will care.

We hope “Winters” isn’t right, but we suspect he is.

What do you think? Will this constant stream of exposed perversion and child predation ever catch up with the left?

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