Lenawee Dem Party Chair Calls For Death Penalty For Trump Supporters: “Hanged By The Neck Until Dead”

A Lenawee County Democrat who posted an unhinged rant denying the 2024 election results and labeling immigration officials as “Nazi collaborators” is doubling down. Lenawee County Democratic Party Chairman Bill Swift called in to Talk Back Radio with Doug Spade and Mike Clement on Saturday to discuss the post, which was deleted from the party’s Facebook page shortly after it was posted last week. Swift on Saturday also called for the death penalty for the president’s supporters.

Swift alleged the party removed the post over concerns supporters of President Donald Trump “might do violence to people in our community,” but made it clear “we as a party and I as an individual absolutely 100% support the statements that we made.” He described the post as “outlining a very rational argument” about Trump’s inauguration and the president’s immediate move to crack down on illegal immigration. Swift alleged Trump-supporter and the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, “performed two Hitler salutes, two Nazi salutes” during the Jan. 20 inauguration.

Swift then extrapolated that to build an argument that Trump and those who support him are Nazis, pointing to Trump’s social media missteps during his campaign and alleged “Nazi imagery and Nazi language” at conservative events. He concluded his comments by highlighting another recent post by the Lenawee County Democrats that calls for the death penalty for Trump’s supporters. “They should be arrested, and they should be facing the death penalty,” he said. “They should be hanged by the neck until dead. I believe this is one of the few areas of the law where I believe the death penalty should be imposed.”

Read the Full Story at The Midwesterner

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